Mixed Signals

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Dan's POV

I couldn't help but feel disappointed when Kayla asked if she could bring James. Why are you disappointed? He's her boyfriend. It's not not as if you'd have a chance with her anyway.

But then she kissed me. She kissed me. I mean, it wasn't like, a full on kiss, only on the cheek, but close enough, right? MIxEd SigNaLs MuCh? Pfftt. There are no signals. You wish. She's got a boyfriend anyway. Plus, she doesn't seem like the type of girl to cheat.

I'd told Kyle everything, because he's the one I've grown closest to, I feel like I can trust him, you know? And I guess it's kind of a bonus he's gay, it sort of means he won't really hit on her, so that's good, right?

Although I did notice a sort of puzzled face about him when i'd said 'James'. It was almost like he was dissapointed, but excited at the same time? I don't know, it's hard to read him sometimes.

Kyle was sat cross-legged on my bed, playing around with the cat-printed shoelaces on his shoes. "I mean," He sighed "From what I've witnessed, she seems pretty into you. Remember when it was your first day," Hah. Yeah. I remember alright. "And when you sat next to her,  she went all red, and looked to the floor and stuff?" Did she? I thought that was just me. That, or she just did it from embarrassment. "If that doesn't mean anything Dan, then I don't know what would."

I guess he has a point.

"B-but, like, what do I do? What do I say? It's not as if I can just walk up to her and be all 'Hey Kayla. How's it going? Cool. Anyway, I love you. Lol, bye.' Can I Kyle?!" I exclaimed. "And she'll be at that party tomorrow. With James. Oh, what a bundle of laughs that will be." I raved at him, flailing my arms around.

"Okay, okay, calm down. Listen, I have a plan, okay?" He looked over at me. "Tomorrow, you'll go to that party, all dressed up, but not too dressed up, you know, maybe I'll iron your T-shirt for you, make you look decent, seeing as you'll never do it yourself." Cheeky bastard. "I'll come with you, go over to talk to Kayla and James," He smirked when he'd said 'James', "get a bit tipsy and knowing Will, there will most definitely be games and alcohol involved. Don't get so worked up about it. Get her alone, talk a bit and if the time seems right, go for it. Tell her." I saw him smile over at me from the opposite side of the room we were in, where I was sat on the dark blue carpet of my room.

"You just have to try your best Daniel. Expect the unexpected."


Okay I know that was really short, alright? I'm planning on publishing another short-ish chapter tonight too, to make up for this.

So uh.
Ciao for now :3

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