Queen Of The Creeps

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(Pic of Kayla on the side :3 Can you see her as a Kayla? Idk)

Seeing as it was already 9:10 by the time we got ushered out of form, we decided would be best to just skip first lesson and take a tour. Obviously there would be teachers around, so I just got Daniel to write a note claiming to have been written by the head. I couldn't have written it, because I have very, uh, 'distinct' handwriting, and it would have most probably been recognized by a teacher.

I noticed how he wrote using only capital letters, used triangles as a substitute for 'A's, and doesn't dot his 'i's, or 'j's.

Neat, yet messy.

I had to try my best not to make the situation completely awkward, so I started with a little small talk while walking to the drama rooms. Oh my God is he going to turn out to be a geeky low-life who is boring as fuck?

"So, Daniel. Uh... How old are you?" Oh no that sounded creepy.

"Uh, i-it's erm, it's just Dan but uh... Seventeen... You?" Why does he speak so quietlyBut ooh. Older guy.

"Oh cool... Uhm... Still sixteen. So, Dan, how come you moved here? Was the last school boring or something?" Who the hell am I? Queen of the creeps?

As I asked him, he looked down at the floor again and started fiddling with a couple of the many, many, shoelace-bracelets on his left arm.

"I-I uh... I'd rather not talk about that" Oh god, here come the risky questions.

"Why not?  Bad breakups?" I winked at him. Where'd the sudden confidence come from?
I'm praying he doesn't have a girlfriend. NO. What am I thinking? I've only just met the guy! He could be a mass murderer for all I know!
A girl can dream though...

"I, uh... Y-you could say that, I guess. She's gone now though. Thank God." He chuckled nervously.

"So you don't have a girlfriend? Wow." Come on... Nonononononono....

"Nah... Plus, I mean, I-I've only been here for like an hour, tops. You're the only girl I've talked to, person even..." I saw his slight smile drop a little, but then perk back up again when he lifted his eyes to meet mine.
No girlfriend... Get in.

"There's not really any reason for me to have a girlfriend anyway. I-I mean, who would want me in the first place...?" That last sentence barely even came out as a whisper. Oh Daniel. "Anyway, d-don't you have a boyfriend?" A spark of something appearing in his eyes, that I couldn't quite put my finger on.

"Uh. Well. That didn't exactly work out... Boys are scumbags, you know? Lying cheating scumbags." Dan's eyes filled with a mix of emotions: sadness, concern, worry. "I'm sure you're not though, Dan. You seem too... Too genuine to do that." I smiled at him.

I saw him gazing over at me, and he opened his mouth to say something, probably something to reject what I just said, but he stopped. He sighed then, came over and gave me a hug.

Oh my Jesus. He smelt good. Dafuq? That sounded weird. But  oh my holy cod nuggets. Strawberries...? Maybe raspberries?

I soon realized I was just stood there. Blushing slightly, I wrapped my arms around him too.

He may not look like much, but Christ, there's a bit of muscle in there somewhere.

He pulled away ever so slightly, his arms still wrapped around me, and whispered "I am so sorry."

He pulled me closer again, and mumbled in my ear, "I would never hurt you.", sending shivers down my spine.


That was kinda short.
I'm typing this on my phone, so I can't see how many words there are.

Can you see her as Kayla? Idk.

I'm sorry.

Are you feeling the feels?

Are you?

Hehe. Anyway. I'm rambling.

So uh.
Vote. Comment. All that jazz.
Bye ^-^

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