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Kyle's POV.

Dan wasn't in today.

That must've meant something - he's every teachers little golden balled pet, never misses a day. As soon as the final bell rang, I bolted past the 800 or so kids that flowed from the doors of the school. Dan lived maybe only fifteen minutes away, walking distance, but I kinda just wanted to get there to make sure.


The house was pretty quiet (not that Dan was the type to host a raving party every other day). The area in which he lived was pretty quiet too, although that wasn't unusual, I doubt there was a quieter neighborhood in London - it was pretty isolated.

Beautiful place though.

Didn't stop me from pretty much battering his door down though.

A few moments later, he answered. In his boxers. Oh fuck.

"You answer the door like that to everyone?" I smirked at him.

"Well I was in bed and I kinda figured it was you, so yeah. Didn't really think you'd give a shit." He sounds different.

"How did you know it was me?"

"I don't know, man, maybe it was the repetitive screaming of 'Daniel open the fucking door' that followed the excessive door bashing. Just a guess. Anyway you coming in or what?"

"No, I'm just gonna stand here and let my balls freeze, thanks though." I smiled.

"Sure whatever." He started closing the maroon coloured door with a wave.

"Ahah, funny. Move." I walked in, pushing the door behind me. "Where are you going now?" I asked him, who was now halfway up the stairs.

"Upstairs." He stated.

"Charming host, you are."

"Shut up, I got out of bed for you." He mumbled.

"Okay then." I followed him up. "So where are your parents, surely one of them could have answered instead of you having to oh-so terribly get up?" Following that, he immediately ran his hand through his hair and clambered into his bed.

"I uh... they-buisiness trip?" He said it more of a question, although I couldn't see his face, it being hidden by the mass of blankets.

"Okay..." I said. "So why weren't you in school today, little miss goody-two-shoes?" He poked half of his head out from his cocoon of blankets at that just to raise an eyebrow.

"Ever heard of a cold?" Ah. I thought he sounded weird.

"Fair enough. You should've seen Damson today though, she seemed pretty pissed bro. Maybe not pissed as such, but, you know, out of the ordinary. Kinda sad-ish maybe, or-"

"What?" He cut me off, the blankets now only covering up to his waist. "What do you mean?"

"Kayla. You know, your girlfriend? Red hair, kinda tall, b-"

"I know who she is, dumbass." He sighed, covering his face with his hands. "Shit."

"Something I should know?" I smirked.

"No." He was still cursing under his breath, assuming I couldn't hear him. "I'll talk to her later... So how's your man, Simmons?" He poked me.


"Oh." I said. "Yeah, I uh, yeah I gotta go."

"Something I should know?" He laughed.

"Nah, man, I just gotta go. Good luck with uh, whatever it is that's going on." I chuckled ruffling his hair.

"Noo, don't touch me, I'll give you rabies or something." He mumbled again, cowering away underneath the blankets.

"Ta ta then." I waved. He can't see you, dipshit.

"Bye" I heard, or what I assumed I'd heard.


Dan's POV.

Well shit.
She must still be AWOL.
Maybe if s-

Not even twenty seconds after Kyle had left, and only a few after I'd started thinking, the door started getting beaten down again.

"I swear to god that bastard's gonna buying me a new door." I breathed.

Dragging myself out of bed, I trailed down the stairs, still half naked, and flung the door open.

"What the fuck do you want now, Kyle, you'll be buying me a new fucking door soon I'm telling you no-" I stopped short.

"O-oh." I stammered.

"It's you."


Me rn ^^

Anyway uh.
Double update again.

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