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Kayla's POV

The rest of the school week flew by like a breeze. I saw a little less of James than I did before seeing as he was attached to Kyle a lot, as much as Kyle was to him, but it was okay - it meant I spent more time with Dan (which I couldn't really complain about).

I was standing outside on Friday - the last Friday before half term - and an extremely boring Friday at that. Dan was absent today but I thought of that as a partly good thing, we'd been spending an almost excessive amount of time together recently. Christ it's not as if you need a restraining order, calm your tits.

"'Ello 'ello!" James hollered patting me on the back, sounding a little unlike himself.

"Hey, stranger." I smiled. "Where's your boyfriend? Not attached to you I see?" Oh dear God that sounded way bitchier than I intended. "Sorry, uh, I didn't mean it like that."

His eyebrows furrowed. "Mean what like what? Huh?" He seems genuinely confused, bless.

"Nothing, nothing. Kyle?"

Whenever I, or anyone, mentioned Kyle, James' eyes scintillated and a tiny smile grew upon his lips - and I can't even begin to show the amount of respect and gratitude to Kyle for making him feel that way; He's done and gone through so much shit recently. All I wanted was to have my old James back, the one who'd plait my hair, the one who'd manipulate me into going on a shopping spree with him, the one who'd drag me to parties every Saturday night, the one who'd always have a smile on his face, rain or shine, and would do anything to make everyone happy, making jokes, pulling faces, 'magic tricks', cartwheels, burnt pancakes, all of the little things.

He needed Kyle.

"Earth to Kayla?" He sang patting my head.

"Yeah? Yup, totally. I agree. Do that. Sounds good." I rambled.

"You weren't listening were you?"

"Yeah! Of course I w- no I wasn't." I admitted.

"Typical." Love you too "Anyway, Kyle went to hunt down Smithy, you know, brotherly love and all that jazz." He looked away, as if in his own little world.

"Are you okay? James?"

He shrugged

"You know I already grilled him, right? Don't think I would let Kyle get anywhere near you if I knew he was just another bastard playing a game." I stated.

"What do you mean?" He looked so... down.

"I've already interrogated him. He told me, and I quote, he'd 'sooner go straight than go gay for Dan. Or anyone else. Not that I'm going straight, either' to which he then rambled on for a good ten minutes trying to get out of the hole he dug for himself, you know what he's like." He grinned at that. "Point is, James,he's not cheating. And I highly doubt Dan's like that - he's too broken himself to break anyone else anymore." I sighed, while James had the slightest smile back again.

We were silent for a while.

"So uh. I'm going home, check my mother hasn't drank herself to death." I guess that's actually partly true.

He chuckled, and rolled his eyes. "Okay. Call me if you need anything yeah?"

"Yeah." I replied looking at the concrete paving.

"Oh c'mere" he pranced over the remaining space between us over to me, and crushed us both in a hug. "You know I love you right?" He mumbled.

"You have a boyfriend, I know that much." I smirked up at him, hugging back. "I love you too."

"Kay get off before you give me cooties." He said backing away. "BYE." He screamed before springing away.

Ta ra then.


I sighed, looking up at my house; the ancient grey bricks, slightly fading blue door, letters piled up from today's post, grass slightly too long to fit in with the neighborhood. The exterior of the house was actually quite pretty, it's just too bad the interior scrapped all feelings of a home.

Stepping inside with the post, I turned the usually glaring hallway lights on. The stench of alcohol and smoke was stale and less prominent. Maybe she hasn't drank today.

Chuckling at my thoughts, knowing I was wrong, I peered into the living room.

Well she's not in there.

I doubt my mum was even aware we had a kitchen, so there was no point looking there.

Dining room?

I decided to look upstairs even though it was very rare she set foot there.

I knew for a fact she wouldn't be in my room - I always locked it.

I explored the entirety of the upstairs floor, until I got to her room. Opening the door my eyes instantly widened, feeling my legs, knees and toes going numb, and I whipped my phone out calling the first number I thought of - cutting off whatever they were going to say.

"James, she's gone."


I'm alive! hahaha. hah. no. okay.


It's been like a month eh.
But hey.
Guess what.


That's like, nothing to you people.

Thanks for reading, ily ❤

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