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(I can't handle this pic okay.)

Dan's POV.

Honestly, I was expecting Kayla to shove me away, slap me, whatever; but no, she always goes for the unexpected.

As much as I (very much) loved kissing her, I knew I wasn't able to leave without telling her everything.

"Okay, so, uh, I guess um, I guess I should tell you now." Way to be confident.

She smiled a little, and said "Probably."

I sat up against the headboard on the bed and pulled my knees up to my chest, my hands interlocking around them.

I cleared my throat and ran a hand through my hair. "Okay, so, do you remember the other week, it was my first day, we were talking about why I left, and you suggested uh, 'bad breakup'?" She thought for a moment then nodded, confirming she recalled the moment.

"Well uh, that was Alice." Her face turned into one of surprise, but encouraged me to go on.

"We met in uh..." I counted back, trying to remember when. "Year 8. She had blonde hair, I guess she dyed it, and blue eyes. Which also, I'm assuming, she now wears contacts. Anyway, from the first day, we'd seemed to just click, and from that day forward we'd just been best friends. A couple of years later, Jesus this is cringy, we'd become, uh, you know," I waved my hands around. "boyfriend and girlfriend. And that was all happy families and shit, until uh, a few weeks later, Alice started hanging around with other 'groups', you know, the 'cool kids'." She looked slightly confused at this.

"The thing is, um, these were the kids that would, like, uhm, 'torment' me." I mumbled.

"What, um, what do you mean by torment?" Kayla asked with a slight frown on her face.

"Insult. Bully. Beat up. I still have a bruise, just below my eye." I told her, wiping away some of the cover-up beneath my right eye. "She would go along with them. Join in the fun. But when it was just us two she'd act all innocent, pretending she was completely oblivious to everything." I sighed, and looked at her. "I don't know why I'm telling you this. It's not as if you need my problems." I got up to leave when she jumped over, pulling me down and hugging me.

"No, no, I'm here to help. You shouldn't keep things locked away. Sometimes the most painful things in life are the ones you keep secret." She pulled away, and looked me in the eyes. "And that's why I'm here." She sat back where she was a few moments ago, and listened intently again.

"Um. Okay. So uh. That carried on for a few weeks, maybe even months, when I'd thought she'd stopped. She started going to lessons she wasn't before, went back to her old group of friends, etcetera etcetera. But then one day after school, she uh, took me around the back of the old hotels a few blocks down, told me there was something she wanted to show me." I ran a hand through my hair, debating on whether I should carry on. She seems trustworthy enough.

If you don't tell her, who will you tell?

Kayla looked at me expectantly, urging me to continue.

"Of course I went with her, why wouldn't I? We got there, and she just started pushing me around, talking about how stupid I was, how vulnerable and 'unlovable' I was. Throwing all of these insults at me." I shifted my gaze to the floor. "I believed them, and I still do. Anyway, uh, that carried on for a good 10, maybe 20 minutes, when she stopped and stepped closer to me. Which honestly was pretty hard considering she was basically breathing down my neck already. She drew her head towards my ear, and whispered 'vulnerable.' Then um, she uh,"

I hesitated for a moment, taking a deep breath while closing my eyes.

"She raped me."

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