Ruins Your Chances

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Dan's POV (Ohmg the excitement)

I've been here for 4 hours, and I can already tell I hate this place. This morning was a total embarrassment, standing in front of all of those kids, obviously being awkward as fuck.
Now that's your own fault isn't it, Daniel.

It didn't help that I also had to sit next to possibly the most beautiful girl I'd probably ever actually seen. She'd blushed, quite noticably, when I'd sat next to her too.
Because your such an embarrassment Dan. She blushed because you are the dorkiest, most awkward teenager to ever live.

Plus she'd been assigned to show me around the school.

Of course I was elated to have been able to spend - even if it only was - a couple of hours time with her. I would have been even more happy, though, if I could have even kept the conversation going.

She was considerably quiet, when we'd first started walking, and I'd put it all down to my awkwardness. She obviously didn't want to be there. Who would spend time with you, the stupid, awkwardly nerdy teenager? That's right! No one!

I'd soon found that she'd started to open up a little though, asking questions, chatting about random things.

One particular question was especially awkward though. "What made you move here?"

If I told her the real reason, there'd be no chance  of being 'friends' with her. Hell, she wouldn't even talk to you. 'Awh poor little Daniel, crying over  the big boys and girls'
Yeah right.
You'd have a great chance with her then, wouldn't you?

~Majestic time skip to luncheon bc food *-*~

I'd told Kayla I was going to have lunch with a few guys I'd met in music.

Which wasn't completely untrue, I was.

I just wasn't planning on paying attention to the conversation.

I walked into the hall to find a table, relatively near the back, occupied by 3 boys. My 'friends'. Were they classed as friends yet? Or merely just people you talked to for  10 minutes in class?

My thoughts were interrupted by a relatively loud voice.

"OH DANIEL." I looked over to find a boy, about my hight, brown haired, brown eyed, wearing quite an excessive amount of cat badges, grinning enthusiastically at me. Christ. Why the enthusiasm?

•Discontinued• All That You Desired // A Bastille/Dan Smith FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now