{The Field Trip}

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DISCLAIMER: As much as I would love to, I do not, nor do I ever foresee myself, own Marvel Cinematic Universe. They are the properties of their respective owners. I am just borrowing their works to fulfill my own desires.

Edit: Yea you might've noticed that I've changed Mr. Harrington's name to Mr. Lyne since a reader pointed out that Harrington is a smol bean and I am inclined to agree with them :D


"WHAT? But, I'm not lying," a young boy with fluffy brown curls and doe eyes cried out to his teacher, Mr. Lyne. "I'm sorry Mr. Parker, but your lie needs to be punished. Mr. Stark's personal intern? It has gone too far," the teacher scolded. "But I'm not even lying," Peter whispered. "Enough Mr. Parker," Mr. Lyne said, "Leave. You are not allowed to come to the surprise field trip tomorrow. High school interns are not allowed there. Leave alone being Mr. Stark's personal intern. I know that. Maybe next time you will think before making up such a big lie." Peter Parker opened his mouth to speak, but apparently gave up and left, not even wishing the teacher.

"I can't go to the trip," Peter whispered to his best friends, Ned Leeds and Michelle Jones/MJ. She narrowed her eyes, "It's fine Peter. We also are not going," MJ declared. Ned nodded along fervently, "Yes. Totally. We're staying with you," he said. Peter looked at his friends with soft eyes. He was glad that they were the ones he had revealed his identity as Spiderman to them. Oh yes, Peter Parker, the resident nerd, is Spiderman as well by the way.

"Guys no, I can't ask that of you, enjoy your field trip, I'll go to Mr. Stark or something okay? Besides, Stark Towers is way better than any other field trip," he grinned brightly at them. Ned and MJ exchanged looks. "If you're sure," Ned said, albeit a bit reluctantly. "I'm sure," Peter smiled. They both smiled back at him. "We'll get you loads of photos," Ned promised. "I will show you my sketches from my crisis notebook," MJ smirked. Peter laughed, "Thank you, guys."


Peter went over to the Stark Tower glumly. He scanned his pass, "Peter Parker, Level 7 Red, Personal Intern, All Access. Welcome back Mini Stark," FRIDAY's warm voice washed over him. "Hey FRI," Peter smiled. "HEY MINI STARK," Eliza, the blonde-haired secretary, shouted from her desk. Her voice caught the attention of other workers and all of them started greeting him. Peter greeted and smiled and high-fived everyone. It was impossible not to love Peter Parker. All the interns and workers adored the small boy.

He eventually reached the elevator and went to the floor where Tony Stark's personal labs were. "Hey Mr. Stark," Peter greeted, walking into the lab. "Bambino," the man beamed, hugging Peter "how are you?" The boy hugged his mentor tightly, taking in his familiar scent of cologne and motor oil, "I'm great Mr. Stark." "Are you excited about your field trip?" Tony asked.

Peter froze, "About that..." he trailed off, "I'm not going." The billionaire looked up, confused, "Why?" "I just don't want to go," Peter said quickly.

"Peter," Tony's use of his actual name instead of the usual 'Bambino/Bambi' or 'Tesoro' or 'Kid' made his head snap up, "Don't lie to me. What happened?" Peter looked into his father-figure's warm whiskey-colored eyes, and all the words just poured out of his mouth.

"They-don't-believe-me-about-the-Stark-internship-and-I-am-being-punished-because-it-was-a-very-big-lie-apparently-I-swear-Mr. Stark-I-didn't-even-tell-anyone-about-my-internship-it's-just-that-my-bully-Flash-Thompson-overheard-me-talking-to-Ned-and-MJ-and-he-spread-it-to-the-whole-school-oh-my-gosh-I'm-so-sorry," Peter said in one breath, very quickly, but Tony caught it alright. His eyes narrowed at the word 'bully'.

"Why didn't you tell me you were being bullied?" Peter looked around frantically, eyes flitting through everything but his mentor. "It doesn't matter Mr. Stark. It's not important. Only one more year then I'll be gone and so will be Flash, there's no need to do anything," he said. Tony inhaled and exhaled slowly.

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