{What She Deserves}

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Requested by anonymous: I love your fics!!! Can you PLEASE write a one-shot where Peter treats Morgan like a princess for some cute reason(I didn't think that far lol). And everyone's hearts just m e l t. Please?


Disclaimer: Me? Broke.
Marvel owners? Rich.
I don't? Own.
Hotel? Trivago.

TW: Fluff. FLuff. FLUff. FLUFf. FLUFF. F L U F F.


The first time Peter Parker met Morgan Stark, he fell in love with her. His heart melted for his baby sister's cute doe eyes and bright smile.

The next time he came to the cabin, he brought a rose with him.

"A rose for my lovely lady," he had grinned at her, tucking the rose behind her ear.

"Thank you, Petey," Morgan had giggled, then ran off to show the flower to Pepper.

"You didn't need to bring her anything, Pete," Tony had said, hugging his Spider-Child.

"I wanted to, Mr. Stark."


The next time, he brought a chocolate bar.

"Maguna," he had sung playfully, "Look what I got you."

"What? What?" his sister had said, jumping.

He had whipped the chocolate out and handed it to her. She had smiled brightly at him and hugged him tightly, then ran off to put it in the fridge.

"You're going to spoil her, kid," Tony scolded fondly.

"Sure, Mr. Stark," Peter rolled his eyes.


10 years later. Peter has revealed his identity as Spider-Man and Morgan has been revealed as a Stark. They have gone out in a public a load of times, but no one knows the location of their cabin. Morgan is now 15 years old. Peter is 25(?).

"Mr. Parker, this question is for you," Ellen DeGeneres said, reading her cue card.

Peter nodded pleasantly at her, shifting closer to Tony's side and slipping his hand in Morgan's. The three were at the Ellen Show, doing an interview. Pepper had to go on a trip to Japan, so she was not there, unfortunately.

"Fire away, Miss DeGeneres," he smiled.

"The question says, 'Why does Peter always open the door for Morgan before anyone, and bring her huge bouquets and chocolate boxes every chance he gets?'" Ellen laughed, "Even I want to know about this."

"I'm curious too, Pete," Morgan said. 

Tony looked at the audience and stage-whispered, "He's been doing this since she was five."

Peter shook his head slightly, "I mean, it's obvious, isn't it? Look at her, she's gorgeous all thanks to Pepper," he ignored Tony's indignant yelp and Morgan's blush, "She's going to get a boyfriend or a girlfriend or spouse as soon as she's old enough. I'd read somewhere that a girl looks for her father and brother in her partner. So, I wanted her to know what she deserves. How her partner should treat her. I wanted her to know what she's worth. So I started doing all this."





Morgan threw herself at her brother.
Tony laughed and patted his back.
The entire audience cooed and/or applauded.
Ellen smiled at the trio.

"God kid, that's adorable. You're adorable," Tony chuckled.

"He's set her standards high," Ellen agreed, "You're a great older brother,  Mr. Parker."

"Thank you," he wheezed out, tapping gently on Morgan's arm, "Maguna... air."

Morgan laughed and released him, wiping her eyes.

"Anything you want to say to her future partner, Mr. Parker?" Ellen asked.

"People," Peter said, "If any of you want to date Morgan Stark, you know what she deserves and what she expects. If you hurt her," he grinned, "You'll know exactly why the crime rates in New York have reduced since I started."

"Peter," Morgan giggled, slightly shoving him.

"No no Morgan, he's right," Tony said, laughing, "Let everyone know what they have to go through when they start dating you."

"Oh god," Morgan groaned, head in her hands.

Peter laughed and hugged her tightly, kissing her forehead.

Ellen laughed, clapping, "Everyone, this was Tony Stark, Morgan Stark, and Peter Parker, everybody. Thank you, have a great night."


pEtErPaN: Peter Parker as a brother: This
My brother: Sells my soul to the devil for a corn chip.

my-last-three-brain-cells: God this is so wHoLeSoMe.

imdashit: Peter is so HOT. The way he grinned into the camera while threatening us... *drools*

lookatyounowlookatme: He is such a great brother!! Morgan will never be treated wrong or be in a toxic relationship because Peter has done all these things for her.

leave_me_alone: "A girl looks for her father or brother in her partner"
Me: *Flashback to my alcoholic father and non-existent brother* Yeah...


desPAsito: 'you'll know exactly why the crime rates in New York have reduced since I started' PlEaSe- he's so HOT and SAVAGE and PERFECT... UGH😩.

PETERPARKERCULTUNITE: My respect for Peter Parker after this video:📈📈

ddaeng: My standards after this video:📈📈

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