{Mission Accomplished}

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Disclaimer: I'm serious. Nothing has changed within a day. I still don't own Marvel.



Peter was in a dilemma. It was going to be Mr. Stark's birthday in a month and he had no idea what to give him. The man is a billionaire. What can you even give a billionaire? Peter had even tried to ask Mr. Stark what he wanted for his birthday. The man, without looking up from his work, said, "Call me Tony instead of Mr. Stark."

Peter didn't ask him again.

It was now 3 am and Peter was staring at the ceiling of his bedroom in the Stark Tower, unable to sleep. 

Suddenly, he got an idea.

"Hey, FRIDAY?" Peter called out quietly. "Yes, Peter?" the AI replied. "Can you tell me something that Mr. Stark often says that he wants?"

FRIDAY was silent for a moment, "Boss often says that he wants you to call him Tony," she said.  Peter puffed out his cheeks in frustration. This was impossible.

"He also says that he wishes that JARVIS would be back, but it is literally impossible" FRIDAY suddenly said.

Peter's eyes lit up, "FRIDAY, remove any traces of this conversation from your security cameras, please. I have the perfect gift idea."


"VIS," Peter shouted out to the Android, "How many similarities are there between your coding and JARVIS' coding?" he asked when Vision looked at him.

"There are about 35% similarities between us, why?" 

"Can you send your coding to my laptop?" Peter asked, bouncing from one foot to the other, mind racing. 

"Of course, Peter," Vision affirmed, "The code is now on your laptop."

"Thank Vis," Peter said, already nyooming away, "Don't tell Mr. Stark of this conversation!"


"Karen? Can you separate the programming that can make an AI from this entire coding?" Peter asked in his lab.

"Yes I can, Peter, may I ask why you're doing it?" Karen asked calmly.

"I am making Mr. Stark a present. Can you keep this a secret from Mr. Stark, please?" Peter questioned.

"As I see no threat to your safety, I need not inform Boss of this," Karen said after a moment, "Also, I have separated the coding."

"Great," Peter said, pulling out the keyboard and cracking his knuckles, "Pull up your coding as well as FRIDAY's. Also, see if you can find something from the Malibu servers. We have an AI to make/restore."


Time skip: A day before Tony's birthday.

"Have I done something wrong?" Tony asked, staring at Peter who had hastily greeted him, then retreated to his lab. 

"I doubt it, Stark," Natasha said, stirring a cup of tea.

"Then why has he been avoiding me like plague since the past weeks, nearly a month?" he questioned, already mentally going through every conversation he had with his kid.

"Calm down, Tony, it's probably nothing," Steve reasoned from the couch.

Tony just shrugged and went to his workshop, planning on pulling an all-nighter.

"FRIDAY, run the program."


"Karen, run the program."

Peter rubbed his sore eyes, gazing at the hopefully at the screen in front of him.

"Of course Peter. This is trial number 447, running..." the AI trailed off.

A second passed. Another. Two minutes passed.

Peter slumped in his seat in defeat. He will never be able to do this.

"Hello, my name is JARVIS. Would you like to tell me where am I and where is sir?" 


The Next Day.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" everyone screamed in surprising unison. Tony started and dropped the StarkPad he was holding.

He looked around with wide eyes. Everybody was there, grinning brightly at him. But no one's smile was wider or brighter than his spider-child's.

"It's my birthday?" Tony questioned. 

"Yes, Mr. Stark. C'mon now, open your gifts," Peter said, already pulling the man towards the huge pile of gifts near the couch.

Tony laughed and settled on the couch, accepting the gift Clint threw at him. 

"Seriously?" he raised an eyebrow at the Hawkeye-themed underwear, "Thanks Legolas."

He unwrapped all his gifts, some ridiculous, others ridiculously thoughtful. He had never laughed and smiled more in one day.

"Mr. Stark," Peter said softly when he had unwrapped all the presents, "I've got something for you too."

Everyone's eyes swiveled to him and he blushed under everyone's gazes.

"I already told you not to get me anything, kid," Tony said, smiling softly.

"I wanted to Mr. Stark," Peter hesitated slightly, "Can you say, 'Hello, my name is Tony Stark'?"

"Okay... Hello, my name is Tony Stark."

There was a moment of silence, then the speakers through which FRIDAY usually spoke pinged slightly.

"Hello, sir, it's good to see you again."

Tony froze. He completely froze, his limbs locked up. 

"JARVIS?!" He yelped out, jumping to his feet. 

"Yes sir, may I say congratulations on your engagement?" the AI said, sounding amused.

"Do you like it?" Peter asked quietly.

"Like it? I-."

Instead of completing his sentence, Tony pulled Peter to his feet and dragged him into the biggest hug he could muster. Through the corner of his eye, he could see the rest of the Avengers filing out.

Tony pulled away, his hands still on his kid's shoulders, and showered hundreds of kisses all over the teen's face.

"You genius child," he murmured between kisses, "My sweet spider-baby. What did I do to deserve you?"

Peter laughed brightly, scrunching up his nose slightly. 

Mission accomplished.

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