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Disclaimer: I don't own Marvel omg I thought y'all knew this by now :(


Edit: Now I feel this chapter is terrible but I'm not taking it down ahahahahah :')


Peter shuffled into the elevator, pouting.

Today had been a bad day.

It wasn't one of those terrible days where he felt like throwing stuff into the wall and crying his eyes out, but it was a more melancholic one, where he craved comfort and affection of any type.

"Are you alright, Peter?" FRIDAY's soothing voice asked.

"It's nothing, Fri," he sighed, "Just a bad day."

"Would you like me to inform someone to come to you?" she asked worriedly.

"No," Peter sighed again and stepped off the elevator.
"You know what," he said, brightening up slightly, "I want hugs. Lots of them."

"Of course, Peter," FRIDAY said fondly, "If I may, Capsicle is the closest to you, he is in the kitchen."

"Thanks, Fri," he beelined towards the kitchen.

Target 1: Steve Rogers

"Hello, Peter," Steve smiled, taking a sip of his tea.

Peter smiled at him, "Hey, Mr. Steve."

"It's Steve, kiddo," he chuckled.

Peter shuffled his feet, slightly unsure if he should go through with his plan.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Steve asked, catching on to his hesitation.

Peter hesitated for one more moment before stepping forward and raising his arms, giving the man his best puppy-dog eyes, "Hug?"

Steve smiled and kept his cup down, scooping the teenager in a huge bear hug.

Peter sighed and melted into the man, closing his eyes when he felt his fingers run through his unruly hair.

"Bad day?" Steve asked, resting his chin on top of his head.

"Mhm," he hummed, hugging his for a moment longer before pulling away.

"Thanks, Steve," he grinned.

"Anytime, kid," Steve smiled fondly and picked up his cup and a book Peter hadn't noticed before.

"Fri?" Peter asked when he was some distance away from the supersoldier.

"The Super Weird Twins are in the training rooms," the AI said without prompting.

Peter nyoomed towards the training rooms.

Target 2: Wanda Maximoff and Pietro Maximoff

"You didn't see that coming?" he heard Pietro chuckle and then shriek, followed by a thud.

He banged the doors open and ducked on instinct, dodging the projectile flying towards his head.

"Sorry, Сунашце (Sunshine)," Wanda said, rushing over to him and checking him for injuries.

"It's alright, Wanda," Peter smiled at her.

"A little help here," Pietro called, struggling beneath a mound of punching bags.

Wanda chuckled but went over to him to remove the punching bags.

Pietro zoomed over to him.

"Hello, Мали брате (little brother)," he ruffled Peter's hair.

Peter Parker One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now