{Airborne Army(Field Trip to Air Force)}

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Requested by definitely_unstable: Hey, could you do a oneshot, where Peter has a field trip to the air force and meets carol and rhodey there? I love all your oneshots btw <33

TW: Fluff. Badass Peter(duh). Bully Flash. Peter x I'm not telling you ;D


"The wheels on the bus go round and round,
Round and round,
Round and round,
The wheels on the bus go round and round

"For fuck's sake Parker," MJ hissed when Peter sang the rhyme for the thousandth time under his breath, "If you start singing one more time I'll hang you from the top of Stark Tower by your toenails."

Ned blinked, "That was disturbingly descriptive."

MJ gave him a shark-like grin and returned to her book.




"I'm bored~," Peter whined after a moment.

"Oh really," Ned said dramatically, bringing a hand up to his cheek, "I didn't know that. It's not like you have been saying the same phrase every two minutes since we left the school."

Peter pouted and slumped back in his seat, resisting the urge to stomp his feet like a toddler. He should have stayed in bed with his boyfriend instead of coming on a field trip of all things.

"We're here class," Mr. Grace called out. Mr. Jason Grace is this awesome teacher with a wicked scar near his lip and the brightest blue eyes ever. More than a few girls in class have a crush on him.

"Is that the air force?" Flash asked, peering out of the window.

"Yes it is, Mr. Thompson," Mr. Grace said, "Please refrain from hanging out of the window."

Flash flushed, flustered(say that 10 times faster), and sat down.

"Ooooh we might see Rhodey or Carol here," Peter said, smiling at the sight of the familiar building, then pouted, "Wait no they had to go to some mission."

"Still going on about your fake internship, Parker?" Flash asked.

"Shut your fuck Thompson, I'm cranky and can and will punch you on the nose if you try me," Peter hissed, smirking when Flash instinctively covered his nose, probably remembering the time Peter literally broke it on his locker when he started talking about his parents.

"Come on people," Mr. Grace called out, "Line up and let's go."

"At least we're going somewhere interesting," Sally commented as she flounced to line up.


"You must be Mr. Grace," a middle-aged man came through the doors, "I'm Killian Forger. I'll be your tour guide today."

Killian smiled at everyone kindly. Peter was distractedly playing with Ned's fingers, ignoring everything around him.

"Hey kid," Peter automatically looked up. Killian was looking at him with concentration, "Do I know you?"

Peter looked at the man in confusion, "I don't think so, Mr..." he looked helplessly at Ned who mouthed 'Forger', "Mr. Forger."

"Just call me Killian," he waved his hand dismissively, "Weird, I think I've seen you," he murmured but shrugged it off, leading everyone inside.

(They roam around the building. Have fun. Now they're at the landing thingy)

"I miss my boyfriend," Peter whined, poking Ned while Killian babbled in the front.

"I know, Peter, you've said it like fifty times in the past half hour," Ned rolled his eyes, slapping away Peter's hand.

"Everyone, move back, we have some people landing," Killian called and herded everyone behind a yellow line. Slowly, an airplane gracefully landed. The doors opened.

"Captain, Colonel," Killian immediately snapped to attention, saluting at Rhodey and Carol, who were looking ruffled but perfectly fine.

"Killian, who are these kids?" Carol asked, running a hand through her short hair. Beside Peter, MJ was dying quietly on seeing one of her female idols.

"They're from Midtown, here for a tour."

"Midtown?" Rhodey perked up, "Pete, kid you there?"




"Hey Colonel Rhodes," Peter said sheepishly, stepping in front of his stunned peers.

"I thought I was Uncle Rhodey?" he teased, pulling Peter forward to hug him.

"I was trying to be inconspicuous but whatever," Peter grumbled, burying his head in Rhodey's chest.

"Hey, I'm here too, young man," Carol reminded playfully.

"Auntie Carol!" Peter jumped on her too, hugging her to death.

"How do you know Peter?" Cindy blurted, then blushed when everyone looked at her.

"He's Tony's intern," Rhodey informed casually, "We came to know him from there. He's a little shit."

Flash looked comical, and MJ was drawing him rapidly, her hand almost a blur.

"Hush," Peter punched Rhodey's arm, "Now tell me about your mission and feed me," he began to drag them away.

"Mr. Parker, I cannot let you leave without your Guardian's permission," Mr. Grace said regretfully.

"He has my permission."

Tony freaking Stark walked in, fist-bumping Carol and bro-hugging Rhodey.

"Where did you come from, bro?" Rhodey asked.

"I felt you come back, bro," Tony said.

Rhodey placed a hand on his chest, "Bro."

Tony nodded meaningfully, "Bro."

"Ew, never do that again," Peter said, wrinkling his nose.

"Um, okay then, enjoy yourself, Mr. Parker," Mr. Grace said, looking weirded out, "Come on class, it's time for us to leave."

The class groaned and muttered, but complied (Flash's lackeys had to pull him away, he was still in shock).

"Well then, come on now," Peter urged, "Feed me and tell me about your mission, and please get my boyfriend here someone."

"Nope, your menace of a boyfriend will meet you later," Tony said, "Now move it. I want to hear Platypus' mission too."

"Dad," Peter whined, running after Tony, with an amused Rhodey and Carol jogging behind him, "What do you have against Wade?"

"What I have against him? He's a damn mercenary..."

Their words trailed off and the curtains slowly fell.

"Hey there reader," Deadpool dropped in front of the curtains, "The author wants you to know that she is very sorry that this chapter was terrible but she did not know what else to do with this prompt. Have a great day! Now I have to go and kiss my baby boy."

Deadpool lifted the curtain and ducked inside.


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