{Your Morals = Justifying Your Wrongs, Right Cap?}

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Request by Zaria_Lianna on ao3: Okay first of all, i love your fics, i binged most of them the other day after discovering them, and i reread several today.

Also, i do not know where you are accepting prompts, so i hope it is okay if i do it here. Also, I think it focuses a little more on Team Cap Salt than most of your other works, if that's okay.

The Rogue Avengers come back, and are not happy shen they eventually find out Spider-Man is underage. They try everything they can think of (and morally agree with) to get him off the team, but nothing works.

Eventually, Steve "anonymously" tells the media who Spider-Man is, thinking it will be a consequence-free way of making him stop. Instead, the story breaks while Peter is at school, and a recently either released or escaped convict attacks his home and almost hurts Aunt May.

Possibly with online reactions too.

Fun fact: I was cleaning out my ao3 inbox and found nearly 25 requests I hadn't noticed! I also replied to 650+ unreplied comments but it was worth it bcs I love and appreciate yall 😌

TW: Patronization. Not Team Cap friendly.


The Rogue Avengers were in his tower. And Tony was NOT happy about it.

They were currently in the living room, the Rogues sprawled around in the couches and Tony leaning against the wall, staring them down. The only good thing about their presence was that none of them could look him in the eyes.

God bless his Spider-Baby who compiled all the evidence that proved that all the accusations piled on him by the Rogues were only somewhat true, and not completely his fault. They all were involved in it, especially Ultron which he made with Bruce due to Wanda's influence. When this compilation was released to the public (without his permission, mind you), the public opinion on the Rogue Avengers only worsened.

He smirked as the young witch avoided his eyes, her gaze fixed on her lap. 

"Mr. Stark," Vision's soothing voice came as he floated through the door, "I must inform you that-," his voice died when he noticed the Rogues and his eyes landed on Wanda.

Wanda sat up hopefully, staring at him with big brown eyes.

"What is it, Vis?" Tony asked, tilting his head.

"Never mind," Vision ignored Wanda and glided out of the room, "I shall talk to you later, Mr. Stark."

Tony had to suppress another smirk when he saw Maximoff's crestfallen face and Natasha patting her shoulder.

"So," Tony drawled, finally breaking the silence, "I hope you remember the conditions under which I allowed you to entire my tower."

"Yes," Steve nodded, glancing up at him with his baby blues as if hoping that he would take back those conditions.

Hell to the no.

"Repeat them for me," Tony said firmly, "I want no misunderstandings."

Bucky spoke up at this, and Tony had to look away and grit his teeth. Now that his anger had melted off somewhat, he only felt pity for the poor guy, and he hated himself for it.

"We won't bother your employees. We won't go out in public without your permission. And we won't contact the media without your permission," he listed off.

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