{Let Me Rest Now, I've Been Strong For Too Long}

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Someone told me I wouldn't dare to kill Peter.




So naturally, I did :)

TW: Suicide. Depression. Suicidal thoughts. This is not going to be happy. Get your tissues.


Where did it all start to go wrong? 

Peter sighed and turned in the cold water of the bathtub, barely feeling anything. 

Maybe it was when Ned got a new best friend and started neglecting him. Don't be selfish, Parker. Ned deserves better than you, anyway.

Maybe it was when MJ kicked him out of Acadec for always being late. You're a fuck up. You don't deserve the good things.

Maybe it was when Bucky broke up with him. You'll never compare to Steve. You're not good enough. You're not strong enough. He deserves so much more.

Maybe it was when Flash's bullying turned physical and his words turned more scathing. He's right. You're worthless. A useless orphan. Idiot.

Maybe it was when Tony started neglecting him in favor of Harley, his adopted son. He has a real son now. He doesn't need you anymore. 

Maybe it was when he started noticing May getting more exhausted and irritated every time he woke up screaming from a nightmare or when he came late from patrol. She would be so much happier without you. Her life would be so easy.

He noticed it. He noticed every small thing. He noticed the Avengers getting irritated with him. He noticed Tony getting annoyed. He noticed Bucky looking at Steve longingly.

But no one noticed anything. No one noticed him wearing long sleeves even in the hottest of weather. No one noticed his smile getting more forced. No one noticed his sleeplessness.

No one cared or needed him anymore.

So Peter emptied the entire bottle of supersoldier strength pills in his hand and swallowed them, closing his eyes and thinking of every happy memory he had. May had a night shift, no one would discover him till the morning.

"You've been so brave Peter. My brave boy. Come here, Richard and Mary want to meet you."

Peter Parker killed himself on his birthday with a smile on his face, looking more relaxed than he had been in months.

May Parker:

May entered the house, sighing and taking off her coat. She paused and frowned a little. She couldn't hear Peter snoring from his room. Was he late from patrol again?

She needs to have a serious talk with him.

She started going to her room but then noticed the light coming from the bathroom.

"Peter? You there?"

Worry clenched her gut. She walked towards the bathroom door and knocked on it. 

"Peter? I'm coming in."

May stopped for two seconds, then opened the door.


She dropped to her knees beside the bathtub, not noticing the water soaking her leggings. 

"Peter? Baby, this isn't funny," she pulled him out of the bathtub and put her trembling fingers on his pulse point, hoping, praying. Nothing.

Peter Parker One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now