{The Supersoldiers (A Prequel)}

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Requested by Meida_123 on ao3: I love this fic so much and have read like 5 times 😂 it is amazing! Could you do like a prequel for this but where Peter meets Nick Fury and is all badass and Fury is like really impressed and trues to recruit/adopt him? Please?? 🥺☺️🥺☺️


"Heyo Mr. Stank," Peter said, swaggering into the conference room, "I'm here to tell you that Queen Pepper Potts has said that if you don't come to the board meeting tomorrow she'll hang you from the Empire State Building by your testicles."

"That was... descriptive," Tony blinked, gulping, "Tell her I'll be there."

"Stark," Fury said cooly, "Who is this?"

"Oh yeah, Fury, meet Peter Parker, my intern, Peter, meet Nick Fury, Director of Shield," Tony said, vaguely motioning with his hands.

"Parker," Fury nodded towards the teen.

"Captain Blackbeard," Peter greeted back distractedly, fiddling with his lip ring. Tony choked on the water he was sipping. Fury's eye twitched.

"It's Director Fury to you, kid," he said icily.

"Sure thing Captain Hook."

"Stark, are all your interns this irritating?" Fury asked.

"Of course not, I'm one of a kind, limited edition piece," Peter quipped back. Fury's mouth twitched involuntarily.

"You almost made Nick Fury smile," Tony gasped.

"I'm just that special," Peter narrowed his eyes at one of the agents standing behind Fury, "Hey what's your name?"

"Thomas Riddle," the man said.

Peter hummed and fiddled with something in his hands, then in one quick move, shot it at the agent, who immediately collapsed.

"What the fuck?" Fury immediately jumped up, his hand reaching for his gun. Tony shot up in his seat too.

"Check the guy's pocket," Peter said, strolling over to the glass of water Fury was about to drink and swirled it around, "He's put Botulinum toxin in your water. How he got the world's deadliest poison, I have no idea, but he really hates you if he has put in the amount I think he has."

"Check his pockets," Fury ordered Maria, "If there's nothing, you'll regret it, Parker." 

Agent Hill immediately searched his pockets and her eyes grew wide as she pulled out a tiny vial filled with liquid.

"How did any of you not notice that he had put something in my water?" Fury barked.

"Because he was the one who brought the water, and every one of you trusted him," Peter cut in, "I noticed because his eyes kept flickering towards the water and your face to see if you had noticed anything. Plus, the bottle was sticking out of his pocket and the water showed signs of tampering. He's an amateur, no idea how you trusted him enough to get you water."

Fury looked at the teen for a few seconds. "Take him away," he told his agents, who immediately handcuffed Thomas.

"What was it that you shot at him?" one of them asked Peter.

"Oh, this," he held up a piece of wood.


"I broke off a piece of wood from the table and shot it at his neck. The pressure point makes you unconscious for like half an hour," he said casually, "I don't roam around with tranquilizer darts in my pockets."

"Kid, you're going to give them aneurism," Tony chuckled.

"Whatever, you're welcome for saving your life, Cyclops. I'm gonna leave now, Queen Pepper and I are gonna have pizza, come to the kitchen if you want Mr. Stork. Toodles," and just like that, he strutted out.




"Say, Stark, he would make an incredible agent-"

"Nope. That's my kid, you're not taking him. Get out and deal with Tomato Puzzle."

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