{Forgive Me?}

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I got my first request :D Again a reminder, all these chapters are available on ao3 as well.

Disclaimer: Nope. I don't own MCU. Stan Lee owns it and my heart as well.

TW: Angsty beginning. Happy ending. Non-powers AU. I'll be changing the prompt a little because we all know that Peter tends to overthink his words and would never say anything hurtful to anyone, even when insulted (*cough* Flash *cough*).


(Note: Peter is Clint and Laura's biological son. Peter and Cooper are twins, Cooper older by a few minutes, both 16-years-old, followed by Lila and Nathaniel. For the sake of the story, let's pretend that Clint didn't hide his family and they live in New York. This is mostly in Cooper's POV).


Cooper is confident and loud, Peter is shy and tends to stay quiet. Cooper doesn't have much interest in academics, Peter is at the top of his class. Cooper is an extrovert, Peter is an introvert. Cooper tends to wear leather jackets and tight shirts, Peter leans towards soft and oversized hoodies, sweaters, and flannels. Cooper is a (respectful) playboy, Peter doesn't do relationships.

The twins could not be any more different, yet they cannot live without each other. They completed each other. 

How could this have gone so wrong?


"Hey, Emily," Cooper grinned flirtatiously at the blonde, "How're you doing?"

Emily Jones was the blonde, green-eyed beauty of the school. Everyone had a crush on her, Cooper being no exception. She was the first girl he actually liked and wanted to date properly instead of short dates. He had finally decided to gather the courage to ask her out.

They both chatted for a while, walking towards their houses. Then, Cooper popped the question.

"Emily, I kind of like you a lot, will you go out with me?" he hesitantly said.

Cooper's heart dropped to his feet when he saw her lips turn down. 

"I'm so sorry Cooper. I have a crush on someone else actually," she softly said, sounding genuinely apologetic.

"Hey, no problem, Em," he said, grinning easily, masking his feelings, "Can I know who this crush is?"

"It's actually your brother, Peter," she shyly said, "Oh, there's my house. See you later Cooper." She jogged to her house, waving again one last time before disappearing inside.

Cooper smiled at her. A smile that didn't reach his eyes.


"Hey Chunkamunk," Peter grinned happily at his brother, "What's up?"

Cooper didn't answer, staring at his twin, trying to see what would be that Emily liked in Peter that he didn't have.

They had the same curly brown hair, but Peter's curls were softer and fluffier than his. They both had brown eyes, but Peter's were huge doe eyes while he had small hooded ones. His skin was tan, but his brother had pale skin which contrasted nicely against his brown hair and eyes. Cooper was taller than him, Peter's chin reaching his shoulder. His arms were bulging with muscles because of archery, but Peter's arms were full with soft, lean muscles. Not too much but not too little.

The more Cooper looked at his brother, the more the jealousy in him increased.


He snapped out of his thoughts and looked at Peter's worried face. 

Peter Parker One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now