{Belated Happy Birthday!}

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Disclaimer: I don't own Marvel

TW: Forgotten Birthday :(. Peter x MJ bcs I realized that I don't appreciate this ship enough. A little bit of angst. Peter is a sweetheart.

Let's pretend Thanos slipped on a banana peel and fell into a black hole to never be seen again :).

Let's pretend the Avengers avenged their Spider-baby against Mysterio and he has vanished from Earth. On a completely unrelated note, Nat seems very pleased with herself these days :) 


August 10.

Peter is finally 16.

The morning started like any other, Peter dressing up and preparing to go to Stark Tower for training (the Avengers were overprotective, what can he do?) and meeting Mr. Stark and Morgan (both father and daughter need their daily dose of Peter).

Peter walked out, hoping to hear his aunt wish him happy birthday, but...

Good morning Petey <3,
Happy is taking me on a date! Well, it's like a full-day date, and he planned it as a complete surprise! You were sleeping so peacefully I didn't want to wake you up. There's food in the fridge and you can warm it up and there's some money on the counter in case you want to order in. Tony will pick you up at 11.
Have a great day!

Peter's eyes widened slightly at the note. Had May... forgotten? But she never forgot his birthday? 

He sighed and checked the time. 


WHY IS IT 10:45 a.m.??!!

15 minutes and Mr. Stark would be here!

Peter quickly ran around, heating the food and chowing it down just 2 minutes before he heard the lock turn and familiar footsteps strutting towards him and lighter footsteps scurrying after.

"Petey pie!" Tony slid in enthusiastically, throwing his hands open.

"Petey pie!" Morgan giggled and slid in after her father, copying his movements to the T.

"Maguna," Tony frowned playfully at her.

"Anthony," Morgan frowned back.

Tony gasped exaggeratedly. Morgan threw herself at Peter.

"Onward my noble steed!" she exclaimed. Peter laughed and ran out of the door.

"WHO ARE YOU CALLING ANTHONY LITTLE MISS?" they heard Tony yell, then running after them.

Neither noticed that Peter's smile seemed a little strained.

Looks like everyone forgot his birthday.


At Stark Tower:

"Hey мама паук, Buck-Buck" Peter beamed, rushing into the training room. 

"маленький паук?" Nat frowned, "What are you doing here?"

"What do you mean? It's my training session?" Peter asked.

"Yeah, but no training session on birthdays," Bucky said matter of factly, "Happy birthday Pete, by the way."

"Oh-," Peter stumbled, caught off guard, "You both remembered? I didn't tell anyone though?"

"We're spies,"  Bucky snorted.

"And of course, we remember. What-," then Nat's eyes widened at the same time as Bucky's, "Don't tell me..."

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