{Wings AU}

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Disclaimer: Nope. Still don't own Marvel.

TW: Insecure Peter. Bullying. 


Everyone in the world has wings. A beautiful pair of wings of different colors and sizes that they get when they are 10 years old. The color represents them and their personality.

Steve has gorgeous red wings with a wingspan of 12 feet. Red represents energy, war, danger, strength, power, and determination, each title fitting the supersoldier well.

Tony has wings as blue as the ocean with a span of 9 feet, the color representative of his limitless wisdom and intelligence as well as his trust, loyalty, confidence, and faith.

Natasha has green wings with a span of 10 feet, the color representing her healing from the Red Room. This restful color symbolizes growth and renewal.

Thor has huge 14 feet purple wings, the color of royalty. The color represents nobility, luxury, power, and ambition.

While Hulk doesn't have wings, Bruce has 10 feet wings which start with dark blue and end with a lighter shade of blue, symbolizing his calm attitude, knowledge, tranquility, and stability.

Clint has bright yellow wings, as warm as the sun, with a wingspan of 8 feet. His color signifies optimism, energy, joy, happiness, and friendship. 

Wanda's 9 feet wings are a very light shade of blue, symbolizing her hope, innocence, and naivety.

Pietro's 10 feet wings are magenta in color, representing his compassion, kindness, and cooperation.

Sam's wings are a light shade of brown with a span of 9 feet, symbolizing his confidence, casualness, reassuring presence as well as his reliability.

Bucky has huge orange wings with the same wingspan as Steve, representing warmth, creativity,  change, determination, and freedom.

While some of the Avengers like Steve, Bucky, Hawkeye, and Sam keep their wings out during battle, the rest kept theirs retracted in their backs so that they don't get in the way or get hitten. However, in the compound, all of them let their wings out comfortably. 

Well all of them except one.

Peter Parker, better known as Spider-Man, has never let his wings show. He always keeps them hidden at all times. 

Reason? The moment his wings grew at the age of 10, both Ben and May ordered him to keep them retracted at all times. He never understood why. He loved his wings the first and last time he saw them when he was 10, but Ben and May never let him show them. Even when May died last year, she ordered Peter to not show his wings to anyone.

It has been 7 years since Peter has seen his wings. He has even forgotten their color. All he knew was that he got bullied daily for not showing his wings. Flash Thompson with his dark black wings goes as far as calling him a freak and abomination.

Peter hated it.


"Say, Peter," Sam suddenly said one day, "Why don't you show your wings around us?" 

Peter looked up from his book and shrugged, "Aunt May and Ben always told me to keep them hidden." The team members looked at each other, concerned.

"What color are they, Underoos?" Tony asked, sitting down next to his mentee(son).

"I... don't remember. It's been a while since I saw them," Peter said softly.

"You can show us, Peter, we would never judge you, you know that, right?" Pietro stated in his thick accent, Wanda nodding beside him.

Peter looked at all of the team. All of their eyes only conveyed kindness and concern. He took a deep breath and nodded. He was tired of hiding them. Maybe the team can give him answers?

He took off his hoodie, leaving him in a thin black shirt. He closed his eyes and concentrated on taking his wings out. He heard the soft whooshing of the wings from his back. 


The Avengers stopped breathing. 

Peter had 14 feet wings of the purest color of white. White was the wing color envied by all. It symbolized innocence, purity, light, brilliance, perfection. People with white wings were literally called angels.

Peter looked at his teammates shyly, "Guys? Is there something wrong with my wings?" This shook everyone out of their stupor.

"Pete, have you seen the color of your wings?" Natasha asked, crouching down in front of him. Peter shook his head. "Look at them," she softly said.

Peter slowly turned his head to look at his wings and froze.

"I'm-I'm an angel?" Peter asked with wide eyes.

Steve laughed out loud, "Literally and practically kid."

"May and Ben, bless them, never let you show them because they were jealous. White wings are envied by all kiddo. Show them off from now on," Bucky said from his perch on the sofa.

"Don't use them in battle," Clint suddenly said, "White wings are easily distinguishable. Show your wings when you're Peter Parker, retract them when you're Spider-Man. They won't be traced back to you."


"OI! NO-WINGED FREAK," Flash called out in the hallway after the last class. "Puny Parker, I'm talking to you."

"Oh really?" Peter raised an eyebrow from his position between Ned and MJ "I thought you were calling a no-winged freak?" 

"Yeah, you're the no-winged freak, Puny," Flash sneered.

"Oh but I do have wings," Peter smirked.

"I don't believe you," Flash snorted, "Show them and I will."

"He doesn't need to prove you anything," MJ said in a monotone.

Peter set a hand on her arm in reassurance. He closed his eyes and concentrated on his wings coming out. He heard the soft sound of his wings unfurling, and the entire hallway turned quiet.

All the students in the hallway were wide-eyed and slack-jawed. Peter Parker, the nerd supreme, had white wings? They were having trouble believing it.

"You-You're an angel," Flash stuttered after a beat of silence. 

Peter just shrugged and walked out of the school with Ned and MJ by his side, both unfurling their brown and red wings respectively. 

Peter shook his wings and flew in the air for the first time in a long time, Ned and MJ following him with whoops and loud laughter, his bright white wings shimmering in the bright light.

(Sorry for the bad ending lol. I didn't know what to do to wrap it up)

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