{Do You Really Want To Mess With Me?}

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Request by arvin_009 and hyped up by mr_oakiedokee20: Hey can u do PeterxBucky where they go to Peter's high school reunion and peter is now famous for being spidey and CEO of SI. And both of them are engaged. And bucky is famous as white wolf. 

After some q&a, arvin_009 decided on badass Peter and bully Flash(good choice).

TW: Bullying(tried, at least). School reunion.


(Peter is 28, Bucky is 30).

"Hey Emily," Peter greeted his PA warmly, "Anything interesting for me today?"

"Good morning, Mr. Parker-Barnes," she smiled at him, "Yes, there is actually an email for you from Betty Brant, inviting you to your 10-year high school reunion day after tomorrow."

"Oh, okay. Anything else?" he asked her.

"No, sir, nothing else," she said, checking her computer once.

"Okay, have a good day then," he grinned at her, then walked to the elevator.

"FRI? My floor please?" 

"Of course Baby Boss," FRIDAY said, functioning the elevator.

"Why the heck am I still Baby Boss," he grumbled to himself.


"Honey I'm home," Peter yelled playfully in the house.

"Hiya doll," a rough voice whispered in his ears, followed by strong arms wrapping around him.

"Hey James," Peter smiled happily and melted in his husband's arms.

"Anything happen at work today?" he asked gently, swaying both of them side-to-side.

"Yeah, I have this 10-year reunion day after tomorrow," Peter replied.

"Do you want to go?" Bucky asked, turning him around to face him.

"Why not? Will you come with me?" Peter asked, kissing his cheek.

"Of course, love," Bucky smiled at him that smile he has reserved only for him. The one where the corner of his eyes crinkle and his eyes just disappear.




"Come dance with me," Bucky suddenly said.

As if waiting for a cue, FRIDAY played Perfect by Ed Sheeran softly in the speakers. Bucky and Peter swayed in the living room, laughing and singing the lyrics softly to each other.

FRIDAY saved the recording in Tony's "WinterSpider Moments" file.


2 Days Later

"Why did I agree to this again?" Peter groaned, sliding into his Mercedes Benz.

"Why did I agree to this again?" Peter groaned, sliding into his Mercedes Benz

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