{Another Field Trip}

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Disclaimer: I own nothing but my own twisted little brain... you can't have that, I don't care how good your lawyer is.

TW: Bullying. School. 

Also, fair warning, literally everyone is whipped for Peter (as they should be).


Flash PoV: [I know, shocker right? Don't worry, the entire thing won't be in his point of view. I cannot say too many bad things about *our baby :( ]

"CLASS," Harrington shouted. Everyone snapped their attention to him, except for Penis Parker that is. That stupid twerp was simply daydreaming and was obviously not paying any attention. I turned towards Harrington, but I noticed many girls, boys, and pals glancing at Parker. My blood boiled.

I HATE that bastard. He got everything so easily, it wasn't fair! He's got perfect grades (top grades in everything WITHOUT trying), a perfect face (so many people in school had a crush on him, and the stupid idiot doesn't even notice), perfect mannerisms, perfect friends, perfect EVERYTHING. He was so perfect that everyone in school except for my 'friends and I didn't bother him about his so-called 'Stark Internship'.

Everyone in school obviously didn't believe his lies, but they never said anything to him about it, thinking he was trying to cope with his uncle's death. The only thing I had that Parker didn't was money and parents. I turned my attention back to Harrington after glaring at Penis Parker.

"Listen up kids, we will be going on a tour to a very influential company, it is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Your entire grade along with Principal Morita and I will be going there. Your forms are right here. The trip is tomorrow, so you have to get the form signed tomorrow or you won't be able to go. Any questions?" I immediately raised my hand and smirked at Parker when I got picked. I am Harrington's favorite.

"Where are we going?" I asked. Harrington gave me a short smile and said, "It's a surprise," and turned away before I could interrogate him more. Rude. He picked Penis Parker next.

"Mr. Harrington sir," Harrington's eyes turned soft and his smile turned brighter when the stupid nerd spoke. Looks like Penis Parker is the perfect student for him. I glared at him. "I'm really sorry but I cannot come on the trip." Harrington frowned, "Peter, you are our best student, I was thinking that you would especially enjoy this opportunity."

"EXCUSE ME? I am your best student," I exclaimed. Harrington didn't even look at me. The git pouted and I saw Cindy aww quietly to Betty. Again, perfect little Penis Parker didn't notice. "I'm very sorry Mr. Harrington sir," he said softly, fiddling with his shirt sleeves. I rolled my eyes when I saw nearly everyone in the class melt. Why couldn't anyone in class see that his shy nerd persona was just a facade? "Just Mr. Harrington is fine Peter, and no problem, enjoy your day tomorrow," Harrington suddenly smirked and added as an afterthought,

"Besides, I don't think you'll be missing all that much tomorrow."



Third Person PoV:

Peter woke up to KAREN's warm voice, "Peter, wake up, you have to train with Spidermom today," she said softly. He blinked the sleep out of his eyes and mumbled a small, "Thanks honey," (he really needs to stop picking up these habits from Mr. Stark). He groaned loudly and went to wash his face. He slipped on a random hoodie he found and walked out for breakfast, where only Steve Rogers was present, drinking tea.

"Morning Pete," Steve brightly greeted him. "Good morning Pops," Peter mumbled, still in a sleepy haze (he shouldn't have stayed awake till 3 a.m.). He looked up to see Steve frozen in his place, and when his words caught up to him, he quickly scrambled to apologize.

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