{Je T'aime Pour L'infini}

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Requested by mahi_S on ao3: hey can I request an MJ POV where she realizes she has feelings for peter? BTW love your writing binge-reading them all rn.

Disclaimer: I own not, you sue not <3

TW: FLUFF. This is just MJ loving Peter. It is rather short but you know how they say, quality over quantity ;) [Although this isn't really quality either but eh :')]


MJ fell in love slowly.

She fell in love with soft words first. Words that were never cruel to anyone. Words that were sometimes sarcastic and sometimes sweet, but never loud. Words that never failed to soothe her. 

She then fell in love with a gentle voice. A voice that deepened as they went from high school to college but remained just as sweet and loving. A voice that sang songs off-tune in the car, never hesitating to be silly in front of her.

She fell in love with brilliant brown eyes. Eyes that lit up whenever he thought of something. Eyes that always held adoration when they looked at Ned. Eyes that held admiration when they looked at Stark. Eyes that held... something (love?) when they looked at her.

That was when she realized that she fell in love with Peter Parker. She fell in love with the way his nose scrunched up when he saw something weird. The way his laughter echoed when Ned said something particularly funny. The way we skipped over to catch up with her when she rolls her eyes at the duo's dumbness and walks away. She fell for the soft moments when he would come to her balcony as Spider-Man just to check up on her. She fell for everything that made him Peter Parker and Spider-Man.

But she was afraid of her own feelings, so she pressed her lips against his forehead as he slept on her lap and conveyed her feelings through that. 'I love you' the press of her lips whispered.

He seamlessly fit into his daily life. She felt incomplete without his daily morning text saying good morning with a barrage of emojis or without his arms wrapping around her shoulder as he hugged her randomly. She would find herself on her balcony at 7 pm sharp and a minute later, Spider-Man would land beside her, words already falling from his mouth at a mile per minute.

She remembered reading the novel, Lolita written by Vladimir Nabokov, and one line stuck in her mind and ran around like a loop every time she saw Peter.

"It was love at first sight, at last sight, at ever and ever sight."

After a particularly harsh battle that left Spider-Man bruised and bloody on his balcony, she ran over to him frantically, all his coolness gone, and dragged him inside to patch him up. She pressed a kiss against every wound she cleaned, hoping her feelings would reach his heart as her thoughts echoed with his heartbeat. 'I love you'.

MJ fell in love with the way his cheeks reddened the first time she gathered the courage to kiss him. Her heart overflowed with happiness as she whispered in his ear and he whispered back in his sweet voice that she loved so much.

'I love you too.'

Peter Parker One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now