{Panicking Like a Badass(Field Trip)}

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Requested by mr_oakiedokee20: I have a request, you don't have to do it if you don't like it, but it's worth a try. So, Peter is touch deprived and has panic attacks, there's only three people that can comfort him in these times. Vision, Tony, and Bucky. Now, Vision can't feel emotions like Peter does, but he knows that he is going through a tough time. Tony, well, he's basically his dad and knows everything about him. And it's a dads job to comfort. Bucky, has the same problem as Peter, and is touch deprived along with depression and anxiety. So, him and Peter understand each other very well. No one else can calm him down. Also, if you do make this, can you squeeze a field trip in with it?

TW: Panic attacks. School trips. Attempted bullying. Floof. Badass Petey. PeterxBucky because why the hell not?


"Are you okay now Peter?" Vision asked while Bucky was running his hands through the boy's hair.

"Yeah, I'm good, thanks Vis, James," Peter said sniffling, wiping away his tears.

"That was a pretty bad panic attack you had," Bucky said, kissing him softly.

"I know," Peter sighed and smiled into the kiss, then pulled away, "I'll see you later, Buck, Vis. I need to leave now or I'll be late. Love you, bye."

Peter rushed into the elevator and groaned in his head when he noticed that his black shirt was a shade lighter than his jeans. At least it doesn't look bad.


"OI PENIS," Flash shouted at the top of his lungs. The hallway quietened down. Flash grinned, obviously pleased at having all the attention to himself. "Who's funeral you going to?"

Peter, rolled his eyes, irritated from his panic attack, looked him dead in the eyes. "Yours within the next 10 seconds if you don't shut your mouth." 

"Watch it, Parker," the bully weakly glared.

"If I throw a stick, you'll leave, right?" Peter asked, searching his bag mockingly. MJ, who was talking on her phone, and Ned appeared by his side and she proudly patted his shoulder discreetly. 

"Really? Wait a minute," MJ said in her phone, then looked at Flash, "The zoo's on the line. They want to know how you got out of your cage."





Peter snorted. MJ raised an unbothered eyebrow. Ned was hiding his laughter. Flash turned bright red and slunk away.

"Does he come over to you guys every day to be roasted?" Ned asked, keeping his stuff in his locker.

"I think he might have a crush on Peter," MJ said, taking a book out of her bag with the title 'The Virgin Suicides' (read it :D I promise you won't regret it. It's pretty dark, but I loved it).

"Sure Em," Peter laughed, leaning against his locker, "And can you lend me that book when you're done with it? The summary seems interesting."

"How did you read the summary from- oh never mind," Ned rolled his eyes when he remembered that Peter was enhanced.

"Hey, Peter?" Fleur Bernard, a beautiful French exchange student, said, walking over to him.

"Hello...Fleur right?" Peter asked kindly.

Fleur blushed, "Yes. I was wondering if you're doing anything on Saturday?"

"Oh, I'll be going on a date with my boyfriend," Peter said, smiling gently.

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