{Appreciate Mr. Stark Reactions}

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Disclaimer: Stuff in this story is owned by some company; I didn't look it up.

TW: Nothing.



brancent: I hate the fact that the boy, Peter was it, is so right about us not appreciating Tony Stark. #AppreciateTonyStark #TeamBrooklynBitch

animemotion:  'But, then again, how DARE he hurt Bucky?' Savage level +10000000. #AppreciateTonyStark #TeamBrooklynBitch

Shaquille.oatmeal: This boy out here spitting facts. #AppreciateTonyStark #TeamBrooklynBitch

hanging_with_my_gnomies: I have always hated Stark for being a weapons manufacturer, but when Peter said that 'That is like saying the owner of the plane company that made the plane in which my parents died is their murderer'. It made me rethink everything I have ever thought about Tony Stark. #AppreciateTonyStark #TeamBrooklynBitch

hoosier_daddy: 'You protect the world, I protect you.' The way Stark's eyes filled with tears makes my heartbreak. #AppreciateTonyStark #TeamBrooklynBitch

fast_and_the_curious: CAP DREW HIS SHIELD THROUGH STARK'S ARC REACTOR. I am so disgusted. I cannot believe that I ever loved Rogers and shunned Stark. #AppreciateTonyStark #TeamBrooklynBitch

averagestudent: I know now is not the time, but that boy, Peter, is hella hot. #AppreciateTonyStark #TeamBrooklynBitch


BadKarma: When Peter said that he is going to talk to Nick Fury, I legit felt chills going down my back. #AppreciateTonyStark #TeamBrooklynBitch

google_was_my_idea: 'Shut your mouth chicken, I am his personal intern.' THE WAY HE DELIVERED THAT LINE. I AM SCREECHING. #AppreciateTonyStark #TeamBrooklynBitch

cute.as.ducks: 'You are simply an idiotic girl who decided to listen to what the press says and not look beyond the fake Tony Stark' This makes me wonder how much of a mask Stark puts on during press conferences. #AppreciateTonyStark #TeamBrooklyn

HairyPoppins: This kid's speech just made me think. I had always thought that Stark was an asshole who only thought of himself, but that was because I had only listened to what the news articles said about him. I wish I could apologize to Stark personally. #AppreciateTonyStark #TeamBrooklynBitch

YellowSnowman: I feel like the most terrible person on earth. Tony Stark has been through so much, yet he always puts on a sassy mask around everyone, pretending as if everything's peachy. #AppreciateTonyStark #TeamBrooklynBitch

anonymouse: I had been supporting Team Cap like an idiot. Team IronMan all the way #AppreciateTonyStark #TeamBrooklynBitch


AllGoodNamesRGone: The way the Rogues were throwing insults at Stark and the genuine devastation in his eyes. I cri. #AppreciateTonyStark #TeamBrooklynBitch

whos_ur_buddha: This Peter kid's eyes are gorgeous. The boy is gorgeous. I swear my heart stopped when he looked directly into the camera. #AppreciateTonyStark #TeamBrooklynBitch

me_for_president: The Rogues leaned away from a 12-year-old boy. Honestly? They deserved it. #AppreciateTonyStark #TeamBrooklynBitch

unfinished_sentenc: I love the way Tony's face lit up the moment he heard Peter's voice. It was like he knew everything would be okay. #AppreciateTonyStark #TeamBroklynBitch

WHATARETHOSE: Team Cap has to be the team of the biggest assholes I have ever seen. #AppreciateTonyStark #TeamBrooklynBitch

bigfootisreal: The way Peter never called the Rogues by their real or hero names has me rolling on the ground. #AppreciateTonyStark #TeamBrooklynBitch

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