{That Ass Tho}

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Requested on ao3 by ThreeStreams21: Most of your works have Flash as a bully, but here he is not. What if the academic decathlon team has to do a group project for some competition and they decide to take turns creating posters and banners and practicing at each members house? And when Peter's turn comes, Aunt May is away so Tony invites them over to the tower. Then like its a sleepover and they are all sprawled on the floor, working on a poster or something, they are not practicing so are relaxed. The Avengers are nearby on couches. Then the teenagers start talking about crushes and everybody points out that Flash has crush on Spiderman. Flash acknowledges and starts complimenting Spiderman physically. Peter starts choking and the Avengers and MJ are having the time of their lives. I would have loved to write it myself but I don't think I can pull of the teenager conversation part. Will you write this? No problem if you don't like.

Okay, this prompt was ADORABLE and I HAD to write it.

TW: Floof :D. Also, PeterxFlash because I said so. And don't worry, Flash is not a bully, in case you didn't read the prompt above. Also, for some reason, I keep imagining Flash as the Amazing Spider-Man's Flash lmao, so I might describe him as Chris Zylka instead of Tony Revolori.


"Hey, whose turn is it to host our world domination meeting?"

"I think it's my turn," Peter said, then gently punched Abe on the shoulder, "For the millionth time, Abraham Brown, we are not going for world domination yet."

"It worries me that you have put yet at the end of the sentence," Sally dryly said.

"That's because we all know that MJ is going to take over the world, so she will need sidekicks," Flash said, laughing and ducking when MJ raised her hand to hit him.

"What's wrong, Peter?" Ned asked. Everyone immediately turned to look at Peter, who was frowning at his phone.

"May won't be home tonight," he pouted, dodging Betty's hand which came to pinch his cheek, "Will you guys be alright if we go to the Avengers Tower today? We can even have a sleepover!"

"Only if they have those strawberry pop tarts," Charles said, stretching. The rest of the group agreed and put in their own flavor preferences.

"Losers," MJ scoffed affectionately.

"Frosted Chocolate Fudge for you, Em?"



"Hello, Peter and friends, what are you all doing here?" 

"Pete, did you not tell Mr. Stark that we're coming here?" Flash hissed.

"Nope, I told Pepper," Peter smiled innocently and turned to talk to Tony, missing Flash's blush and Cindy nudging him.

"We're here to practice for-"

"-World Domination," Abe cut in.

"-Academic Decathlon and-"

"World Domination!"

"-May's not at home so we came here to practice-"

"For world domination," Abe helpfully added, sticking his tongue out at everyone's exasperated but fond looks.

"Cool," Tony shrugged, and strolled over to the kitchen, "Anyone wants pop tarts?"

"Me!" everyone exclaimed together.

"Usual flavors?"

"I want to try the blueberry ones," Flash piped up.

"Okay, settle down gremlins," Tony said, telling FRIDAY to call Steve to help him.

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