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trigger/content warning: mental dissorder (OCD), mild panic attack?, mentions of blood/violence (not actuall violence nor blood)

Eight times switch the lights

Come in, close the door

Turn around, open the door

Take a step, go to your desk

Eight times, witch the lights

Zip Zap, open the bag

Get your book, put away the book

Get your book, place it on the desk

Open the book, find the page

Chose a pencil, sharpen the pencil

Time to start your homework


Logan hated it. He hated that his live was controlled by those actions, but he couldn't help it. If he didn't, he'll feel terrible, sick, lost, confused, bad. Anxiety would make him lose control of his thoughts and enter a state of panic. So, switch the lights, open and close the door, out your books away, sharpen your pencil. 

The worst thing? Logan knew it was stupid. He knew it was irrational. He knew that those habits made no sense, he knew that the world won't end if he didn't do them. But that didn't stop the feeling of dread flooding his system every time he tried to avoid them.

This was the main reason Logan hated school. He felt like a stranger there, an alien in a forgein planet. All the teacher already knew about his... condition, and they had all been instructed to leave him at peace, to not scold him if he came a few minutes late, to be considerate with his compulsions and to take it easy on him. 

Logan didn't like this either, because even if he felt glad for the understanding of the school, all the teachers saw him as a dumb baby who couldn't take care of himself, instead of the capable person he was. Because Logan was anything but dumb. He was smart. Not only smart, but inteligent. He loved studying and learning and discovering new things, but in school he was treated like a stupid child. Another reason to hate that place.


Logan got in through the door, and as he did he closed it. He then turned around to open the door again, so that he could now go and sit down in his place. Then, he switched the light wich eight times until the lights where on. Logan always got to school a early so that he could have enough time to do all his routines without bothering people with them. Once he sat down, he opened his bag, and fidgeted with the zip for a bit before actually getting his books out. He proceeded to put the books in the bag, and then he took them out again. Now he just had to wait for the class to start

It had been barely a minute when someone else got inside the classroom. Logan turned to see who it was. It was a boy, Patton Cook, who ussually arived late to class, therefore his precence surprised Logan.

"Am I the first one?" He asked when he entered, looking around.

"No," Logan replied, making the other boy jump, "I'm here."

"Oh! Good morning!" He exclaimed, aproaching his classmate, "You are Logan, right?"

"Yes, that's my name."

"It's funny seeing you here... Why are you here so early?" 

"Good question. What are you doing here so early?" Logan asked back.

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