you chose this.

189 7 4

some strong language and angst. Also a traze of dukexiety

"I'm happy you came with us. I missed this," The Duked said, breaking the silence. Him and Anxiety where standing in the imagination, staring down at the black lake.

"Is that so? I couldn't tell," Anxiety jocked, swirling his fingers in the black subtance, "I mean... it hasn't been so long that we've been having fun like this, hasn't it?"

"The split was already... 7 years ago? That's been a long time"

"Yep. These years haven't passed by the fastest, haven't they?" 

"I have to admit, the first ones where terrible. It was all very lonley and quiet before you came by. And now, this last years... amazing. Almost like old times,"

"Like old times..." Anxiety looked up at the red night sky, "It was never like this in the old times. You do remember that most of the time you spent it with Dee, right? The only moments when you wanted me around where the ones that ended with Morality freaking out. Those wheren't the best."

"Oh, come on Anx! At least we had fun, didn't we? And now it's even better! We have a great connection, you have to admit it. It's almost as if it was all meant to be, as if the universe aligned itself so that we are here now."

Anxiety looked at The Duke, one eyebrow risen and the other down, in an inquiery matter. Now it was the Duke the one who looked away, in an attempt to hide his blushing face.

"Yeez, that came out wrong, didn't it? I must sound like the pussy of my brother, don't I?"

"D-don't worry. It's alright, really. I- well, I didn't exactly expect you to say that," Anxiety also looked away, focusing his attention on the ground

"Heh, makes sense. But you have to admit I'm right. Intrusive Thoughts, Anxiety... We're basically the same thing, ya know? We should've been the ones fused together all these years, not me and that piece of shit."

"We aren't so similar, not actually. You know that, right? We aren't the same, we aren't so perfect as you say we are. We are different, our natures don't align, and I don't understand why you keep insisting on-"

"Shhh Anx, chill. Just because you changed doesn't mean a thing. You are one of us now, aren't you? We both represent a lot of stuff, but that doesn't mean that we are similar."

"Maybe we are, but that doesn't mean that anything can happen between us," Anxiety clenched his fists, tired of having this conversation over and over again.

"Ujjj, still with that? I thought that we where making progress!" The Duke groaned, as he fell down to the floor with a loud bump.

"Sorry dukey, but it'll never happen. So fuck of," Anxiety said, even tho he still decided to sit closer to his friend.

"Just wait a few years, and we'll see who wins."


"Anxiety? Anx, are you in there?" The Duke asked, as he creeped in the other side's room, "Bitch, where are you hiding?"

The Duke turned on the lights. Even if he knew how much his friend liked the dark, he had to find him. He resisted the sumoning, and he was starting to get concerned, even tho that's something he'll never admit.

Once the lights turned on, The Duke was surprised by the state of the room. It was a mess, but a different kind of mess. Anxiety had never been the organiced type, but this was another level. At least before there was a system, but now... it was crazy. 

The chaotic side rushed inside, looking for his friend, but he was anywhere to be seen. He looked underneath the bed, on the corners, inside the closet, behind the shelf, but Anxiety was no where to be found. 

"Virgil..." He whispered, "Virgil, where are you?"

Years ago, Anxiety had told him his name. An act of trust. A bond between sides. Virgil knew The Duke's name, Remus, and they had made a deal. Only use the name in important situations. Never use it in front of other sides. It was their secret, and no one else could know.

"Dee! Deceit! Deceit, I can't find-" Remus ran out of the room, but he was stopped by something grabbing his arm.

The Duke turned around to be faced by his friend. His best friend. Well, the word friend was not enough to descrive the relationship between Remus and Virgil. It was more. They where much more.

"Virgil? Virgil, what's wrong? Tell me, please," Remus begged. 

Anxiety looked up. His face was covered by his black hood before, but the moment he lifted his head, this fell, reavealing his face. The Duke gasped.

Virgil's face was different. His eyes looked at Remus with a mixture of fury, regretment and sadness. These where red and watery, obviously holding back tears. But these tears wheren't the ones caused by grief. They where the ones caused by anger and bottled up emotions. 

His eye shadow was darker than eyer, smuged down, darkening his cheecks. Just a look from Anxiety made Remus tremble.

"I'm leaving you. You've been horrible on me, mister duke. You've brought the worse of me. You are an illness, you a dissease. I shouldn't never have come here, I shouldn't ever became your friend. Remember my words. I am not yours, you are not mine. Thanks to you, my live is ruined, so don't ever think of seeing me again. At least, not here."

"Why- Why are you saying this?" Remus asked, now his eyes being the ones with forming tears

"Because you are the reason Thomas hates me! If I had never come here, if I had never thought that you where better, maybe this wouldn't be happening. But you used me to give him fear, you used me to give him nightmares. Now, Thomas hates me. And that's something I have to fix, and I can't do it with you by my side."

"Oh- Oh, really?" Remus's voiced cracked, but it was inmediatelly followed by a manaical laugh, "Oh, so now it's my fault? Can't you see you brough dissater onto yourself? You where the one who chose to come here. You could've stayed with the light sides all these years, but guess what? You came to us. Now now you are trinna blame me for how he's feeling? If he's feeling like this it's all your fault! So yeah!" The Duke exclaimed, "Fuck off you lil brat! You never belonged here anyways. You've always been one of them. Now let go!" 

With a fast pull of his arm, Remus freed himself from the grip of Anxiety's hand. No more tears where in The Duke's eyes, but more had started to fall down Virgil's.

"What are you waiting for?" Remus asked, "Leave. No one will miss you anyways."

Before he could get a reply, The Duke turned away and walked off, leaving his now lost friend behind. If he really was an illness, then so let it be. It didn't make him any less important. If fact, it made him even better. He's The Duke. He's the better twin. And he doesn't need the pitty of a simple, weak side as Anxiety was.

This was RANDOM. Idk where that came from... but whatever. I wrote it. Deal with it. Something's something, isn't it?

If you have any promps please tell me because inspo is running low

woho, shit mental health

my brain is dukexiety mode

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