Alas, I bethink we fuck'd up

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It was a normal day in the mindscape, nothing out of the ordinary was going on. Well, this is a big thing to say, since the word "normal" is something very relative for the sides...

"Virgil! Give me my fucking poster back!" Roman yelled, chasing the darker side through the halls. Virgil had broken in Roman's room while he was in a quest to get back the Nightmare Before Christmas poster, but Roman had came back unexpectedly soon, catching Virgil red handed 

"Fuck you Roman! It's my poster, you stole it from me first!" Virgil yelled back, turning sharply down the corner of the corridor. He was looking back at Roman, to know the distance that separated him from his chaser, so he didn't see that he was about to run into someone.

"AHHH!" Roman heard someone yell. 

He stopped running, slowing his pase. Once he got to the corner, he sticked out his head to see how much damage had been caused. Virgil was still standing up, his legs spread out a bit, trying to regain balance. On the other hand, their victim hadn't been so lucky. Logan layed down on the floor, facing to the side, his glasses on the floor a few feet away. Virgil turned to look at Roman, and it took just a glance for both of them to realice how much they had fucked up.

"Logan!" Virgil ran next to the logical side to see how his friend was, "Are you ok?"

"Can you stand up?" Roman asked, now next to Logan as well.

"Wh're art mine own glasses?" Logan asked. 

"I- um..." Virgil looked around, trying to locate them.

"I got them," Roman grabbed the glasses and handed them up to Logan.

"Thanketh thee," Logan put the glasses on and tried to stand up.

"Logan, you are talking weird. Are you ok?" Virgil asked again, his worries growing more and more every second. 

"Of course I'm tis fine Virgil, t wast just a dram did shave. Aye, I hath fallen down, but nay real damageth wast done," Logan stood up, and dusted a his shirt to get rid of the lint that could've gotten attached to it. 

"Are you sure of that...?" Roman wondered, slowly standing up as well.

"Of course I'm sure. I'm not jump what thee calleth a coystrill, Roman," Logan replied, already starting to walk away. Virgil grabbed his arm, stopping him from going any further. Logan turned his head to face Virgil, and he was suprised at seeing him with the eyes wide open, "What happeneth? Is th're aught wrong?"

"Roman, call Janus. Or Patton. Or both. I think we broke him," Virgil muttered.


All six sides where now in the same room, all of them forming a circle around the couch where a very un-amused Logan sat. Janus aproaced him and started to roam around him, examinating his friend as if he was a puzzel yet to solve.

"So you are telling me..." He started, turning around to face Virgil and Roman, "That you two where chasing each other for whatever reason when Virgil hit Logan, throwing him to the floor, and now he's... broken? I don't get it. He seems fine. Also, how do you break the embodiment of logic?"

"I'm asking myself the same questioneth. In earnest, all of this w'rrying is excesive, specially consid'ring yond I've hath taken nay harmeth," Logan said. 

Janus and Patton stared at him.

"Alright Virgil, you are right. You fucking broke him," Janus agreed, backing down.

"F'r god's sake! Wherefore art thee guys paniking so much ov'r nothing!" Logan exclaimed, standing up from the couch. All of the sides gave a step back. Well, all except one of them.

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