Roses Part 2

44 3 14

type: human AU/royal AU

ship: Royality (background analogical+intrusleep)

genre: fluff

requested by: @Theeverseeingeye 

TW: clacissim (people being a dick to Patton for being a peasant) (especially Remus being a lil shit)

word count: 2940

Patton was preparing popcorn while Roman settled the movie. The two where preparing the movie night, all the other sides yet to arive. Little did they know the movie night won't happen
"Bonjour motherfuckers!"  Doodles exclaimed. Roman groaned
"Again indded!" Doodles smiled, "This time it was Eden's idea!"
"Wait who is this?" Patton asked
"It's another of my friends," Eden gestured to the chaotic kid, "Patton, this is Doodles. Doodles, you already know Patton."
"Yup! This is gonna be the third royality story in a row!" Doodles snapped its fingers, "Enjoy!"
When the sides dissapeared, Doodles stole some of the popcorn Patton had been preparing, throwing some at Eden as well. 

The butterflies that fluttered inside Patton's chest became exploding fireworks, bursting with happiness that he couldn't believe imaginable the second that his lips touched Roman's.

It wasn't a long kiss, but they couldn't risk making it last more than a few seconds, altho the length of the kiss wasn't what mattered. What it mattered in the moment is that they were dancing in the ballroom and that they were now dating.


Roman mumbled to himself after the ball had finished. He had stayed until the very end of it, personally saying goodbye to every single one of the guests, which was his duty as the one who organized the event. He was now headed to his room, alone, and even tho he was still overjoyed with the fact that he was dating the gorgeous Patton, some concern had started to infiltrate his mind after the last few conversations he had been part of or heard once his new boyfriend left.

His kingdom was accepting of same sex relationships. No one cared if you dated a man or a woman as long as it was true love. The looks and comments they've gotten wasn't because of Patton being a man. The issue was that he wasn't of noble blood.

The acceptance that the kingdom had on one thing, it lacked on the other. Heritage was a strong value for them, maintaining the same allies and enemies for the past 500 years, house names being more important than gold, traditions looked after with great care. So the fact that Roman had started dating a peasant, one that worked for him...

The prince shook his head. None of the other nobles had saying anything implicit... yet. But there where clear intentions of doing so in the future present in their eyes.

It didn't matter tho, not to Roman. He was a prince, for god's sake! He was heir to the crown, his father still king. If anyone complained or said anything in regards, Roman didn't doubt of using his position to stop.


It had been around a week since the ball and Patton still was having trouble processing that he was dating prince Roman. HE WAS DATING PRINCE ROMAN!?!?

Patton couldn't be happier. The day after the ball, Roman had proposed the idea of moving into a room for himself in the castle, one with a real bed and a real bathroom. Patton had immediately agreed. His old room wasn't even his; it was just a bed in the east wing, where most of the service lived. He had a wooden bed with a worn out mattress, thin blanket to sleep in and shared bathroom with other 7 people.

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