Take my hand

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this is a lil logince story sugested by the dear SlimyBoiWriting

Logan stood in his room, next to his desk. He had decided that he had to clean a bit his room, considering that the dust was starting to acumulate in the shelfs, and that the organiced enviroment that he loved had started to lose it's esence. Logan turned on his radio, and put the clasical music he loved so much.

The music softly started to flow out of the radio, sounding like a waterfall of sounds, an orchestra of experiences, the chords of the instruments mimicking the happiness one felt when he was in the open of nature, resting, forgeting all of  your problems and focusing only on the moment. 

Logan felt save and free in the privacy of his room. So good he felt, that he started to dance slowly as he did his tasks. It wasn't anything too big, just small arabesque while placing things on the shelfs, a pirouette or two, as well as some more moves, all caused by the positive feeling that he got from listening the music.

The only thing that Logan hadn't realiced was one little and insignificant detail. He had accidentally left the door open. Another thing that the logical side hadn't noticed is how someone was watching him from the door, quietly, admiring his moves. 

After another jump, Logan fell on his feet without making a noise, landing with a perfect stance, eyes closed. He felt proud of himself. At least, he did, until he heard the clapping.

"Well done!" Some exclaimed from behind. Logan turned inmediately, only to face Roman, "I'm surprised."

"Roman! What are you doing?" Logan asked, his face turning red.

"I heard music, came by, saw your door was open, so got curious, and saw you dancing-"

"Shut up. Don't tell anyone. Tell someone and I'll kill you," Logan gave some steps foward, pointing at Roman with his index finger in an intimating way.

"Come on Logan, chill, why are acting like this? You are a good dancer," Roman said, without hiding his smile.

"Really?" Logan relaxed his shoulders, his tone being now softer that just an instant before. 

"Yes! I never thought you'd be into this kind of stuff!" Roman exclaimed, now whidely smiling, "When did you learn all of this?"

"It's embarasing..." Logan muttered, turning so that Roman couldn't see his blushed faced.


"Meaning that- well, uh, I learned some things from seeing you practice..." Logan replied, expecting laughter from the creative side.

"Oh, Logan, there's no need to keep a secret or something!" Logan was shocked by this response. Roman aproached the side, and held him by the shoulders. Logan noticed how the other's cheecks were pink, "Come, I have an idea."

"Ok? What's this idea of yours?" Logan wondered.

"Take my hand, I'll show you," Roman offered his hand to his friend. After a moment of hesitation, Logan took it. 

Moments later, they where in the Imagination. Logan had only gone to that part of the mindscape a few times. He represented logic, he had nothing to do in the land of the dreams and fantasy. On the other hand, this didn't stop him from enjoying the view every time he visited the place. Roman had taken him to a clear field with daisies, that extended as long as the sight could see. Far, far away, Logan saw a few mountains that blended in with the sky. 

"Wow. This place is beautiful!" Logan exclaimed, spinning, trying to capture this moment in his memory.

"Oh, it's about to get even better," Roman said.

"What do you mean...?" Logan asked.

In that moment, Roman snapped his fingers. Logan didn't notice any change at first, but when he blinked, he saw a lake that wasn't there before, with cristal clear watter, that reflected the sky. Talking about the sky... Logan could've swore that just a minute ago, the sky was blue, without a cloud in it, but now, a sunset painted the place, giving it all that golden light that only lasted for a few minutes. With the corner of his eye, Logan saw movement. He turned, seeing houndreds of fireflies flying from all directions, enhancing the romantic feeling of the moment. 

"I- This is amazing Roman, I don't know what to say, this is-" Logan looked for Roman, suddently having lost sight of him

"I'm here Lo," Logan turned around to see Roman standing in the middle of the lake, "Come, it's save," He said, offering him his had. 

Logan didn't know if it was a good idea stepping inside the lake. He was afraid that this'll be just a simple pranck. But it just took a look in Roman's bright eyes to convice him that this was all real. He closed his eyes and stepped in the lake. A second later, he opened them again, surprised to see that the water let him float. Beneath him, he saw little pebbles, algae and little orange fishes, as well as other marine animals, swimming in peace, not noticing his precerense above them. 

"How is this even possible? It's so... I don't have words!" Logan gasped, looking up at the other one, who smiled at the sight of his happiness.

"This is the imagination," Roman explained, "I can create anything that I want in here."

The next few steps that Logan took where small and careful, but soonly after he accepted the nature of this magical place.

"I'll show you how to dance. Come on, place your hand in my shoulder, like this," Roman got Logan's hand and put it in his shoulder, as he held the other one. Then, he put his free hand in Logan's hips, "Just follow my lead."

And he did. The dance started slow, Roman giving aid to Logan on where to put his feet and how turns where made in this type of dancing. The proccess was slow but steady, but Logan learned the movements.

Hours passed, and they where the best ones either of them had experienced. The sun never dissapeared on the horizon, keeping the fairy like atmosphere throught all the dance. By the end of it, Logan no longer regreted his mistake of leaving the door open. In fact, he considered it a blessing, specially when Roman bent down and kissed him.

Heh, not angst. This is weird. I'm not used to this. 

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