what a time to be a bitch

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So, guess what? this bitch is very weird and did a roleplay with a friend,  Theeverseeingeye and then decided to turn it to a oneshot because reasons. I did Remy, they did Pat and Ro. Fun fact, I love roleplaying Remy because I get to life to my full bitch potential

little warning: kinda unsympathetic Remy

Remy woke up after getting barely 3 hours of sleep. Yeah, he was used to not sleeping much, but he ussually got at least 6 decent hours of it. Last night had sucked, the sleepy time had sucked, and now feeling like a zombie sucked. He at least hoped it'll all be better after his ussual morning coffee. That always chered him up. Normally. He groaned as he streched up and looked for his sunglasses. Those helped to hide the bags under his eyes, but they where no where to be seen. He would've left them in the living room. Remy decided to go there, and take the chance to prepare his coffee as well

Roman had been up for a while, already downstairs with Patton when Remy finally appeared, looking tired as hell."Geez, you okay there Remy? You look like a failed Disney prince." He laughed.

"Wouldn't that be fun?" Remy replied, rubbing his eyes after they had been blinded by the lights, "Anyone seen my sunglasses? wheren't in my room..."

"Oh, yeah, I borrowed them for something. They look better on me anyways." Roman mused. "Here ya go." He said, holding them out but not getting up off the couch.

Remy mumbled something under his breath that sounded closely to cursing, but he didn't actually pronounce any silables, so it was had to be sure. He grabbed his sunglasses, half slapping roman with his hand, and put them on, "Ah, much better like his," he groaned

"You okay kiddo?" Patton asked gently. He had almost been tempted to tell Remy off for language bur having not actually heard any words clearly, he opted not to.

"Oh yeah Pat, i'm all perfectly alright, isn't it fucking obvious?" Remy said, not looking at his friend as he turned on the coffe machine

"Watch your language, kiddo." Patton reminded gently. He hadn't said it harshly, but had spoken with his words tight.

"Oh, sorry daddy, i didn't mean to do anything to upset you," Remy said, bending on the kitchen table and staring at Patton directly in the eyes under his sunglasses

"Hey, lay off Remy. Don't speak to Patton with that tone. What'd he do to you?" Roman interjected.

"I'm not sure Roman, what did he do?" Remy shot back, shifting his gaze to Roman

"He asked if you were okay, and you were being a prick." Roman said, standing. 

"Roman, its okay. Sit down." Patton whispered sternly. Roman stared at Patton, then glared back at Remy. He didn't back down, but he didn't approach Remy either, simply standing in place, obviously trying to decide what to do.

"Aaaaalright," Remy exclaimed, turning around to reach the coffee pot, "My coffee should be-" Remy stopped, staring down at the coffee pot, in a position that blocked the other two to see what happened.

"Remy? Kiddo, what's wrong?" Patton asked, standing up to walk over towards the kitchen. Roman trailed behind him.

Remy just stayed there, in silence, looking at the abomination that he had just caused, not replying to Pattons question

Patton saw it first, and immediately moved to get a towel from the other room. Roman, curious, peaking around the corner. Remy had forgoten to put a cup on the coffee pot, and now all the coffee had feel down and was speading through the counter, creating a complete mess. Upon seeing it, Roman started laughing. It was obnoxiously loud, as he was somewhat holding back."You okay there Remy? You seem to have made a small mistake."

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