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~Ji yong~

--- Hey! Look at me --- with my hand I grab her chin and make her look at me --- Jen, if I had known that you would be like this now I wouldn't have followed you last night, come on give me a smile huh? You will see that you will be so busy that you will not have time to think about me ... --- my own words hurt me, I kiss her for the last time, she gets out of the car and I am waiting for her to enter her house, halfway there she stops, turns her head and smiles at me ...

I get on, while driving I manage to deactivate the airplane mode of my cell phone, suddenly it begins to ring without stopping over and over again, I am alarmed and I decide to park to check it. Some calls from members nothing important, what strikes me is that I have more than twenty calls and messages from Dara.

"Ji Yong, where are you?", "I'm calling you, answer." "Why do you turn off the cell phone?" "You said yes when I asked you to come, why are you doing this to me?" Reading all this, my head can't assimilate what it means, I'm exhausted and I haven't slept at all, all I want is to get to rest and now this appears ... Wait, I just remembered, Dara said something to me in the dressing rooms but I didn't understand because I had my head in Jennie, is that it? Whatever it is, she will have to wait for me to rest for a while.

I get ready to go out to the studio, grab my cell phone and dial --- Noona, um, can we talk? I don't know what happened yesterday, can you explain? --- She takes a long time to answer --- I'll see you in the studio --- Uff, she's upset, I still have the good vibes from last night.
I get to the studio, I go in and see her sitting, when she sees me she starts talking to me in a tone that I don't like at all
--- Wow ... at this time you arrive ... where were you? ---
--- I left the party early, I had something important to do. Can you tell me why all the fuss? ---
--- Something important ... uproar ... --- I do not like the expression that she haves at this moment --- And that something was so important that you forgot about me? ---
---What? Can you explain that to me better? ---
She raises her voice --- Yesterday in the dressing rooms ..., I told you to meet me after the party and you said yes, the least you could do was comply, no? ---
--- Oh ... I see, I'm sorry huh ... sorry I didn't pay attention to you when you spoke to me, I had my head on --- She interrupts me
--- In something more important? Is that what you were going to say? Well, what if I considered it "important" right now to go to the president and tell him that his beloved Jennie from the new group is a bitch who just spent the night with a man, ohh and that man, it's you ... --- I'm shocked, I don't believe what I'm hearing ...
--- Tell me Ji Yong, aren't you going to say anything? --- I contain the little patience I have left and I reply --- You wouldn't dare to do that --- I approach her and grab her shoulders ---Noona look at me, what's wrong with you? You are not like that---
--- Let me !!!, stop it !!, I can't take this anymore. You know ... you are aware of how I feel about you, now it is not enough for you to reject me in front of everyone, and you go out with one of the company, I do not admit that !! ---
--- You don't have to admit anything !!, it's my life !!, if you already know that I always reject you, why do you keep insisting ?! Answer !! --- she remains silent --- I have been trying for years to show you that I will never give you anything but my friendship, you are like an older sister to me, like Dami-Noona, don't you understand? ... But I tell you something Dara, if you go out that door and say something about that with which you just threatened me or call her a bitch again in front of me, I swear that then you will become just a stranger to me ---

She with wide eyes wipes her tears and leaves the study after slamming the door with all the strength of her. Finally my exhausted patience takes it out on the monitor that ends up on the floor in pieces, just at the time YougBae enters into the room.
--- Ji Yong !! What's going on here?!---

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