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~ Ji Yong ~

Click, Click, Chick ... My lighter rings as I open and close it, I put a cigarette in my mouth and set on while my gaze is lost behind the glass of the room where the city of Tokyo shines brightly.

--- Hey !! Come on get up, it's time for you to leave, soon my manager will arrive --- I dress in the hotel robe and sit to finish my cigarette while my thoughts wander towards a common point in which the same person always appears.

Nana gets up and walks over to me until she surrounds me and sits on my lap. She approaches my face, but at this moment in which the effect of what I drank has gone and there is only a headache left, my reflection is to take my mouth away from her.

--- What's wrong? --- she looks at me puzzled --- Nothing, didn't you hear me? Come on get up I have things to do --- I get her off me. --- You insisted a lot ... well I ask you again, leave me alone ---
--- Ok I admit that I insisted but I did not force you to sleep with me, you did that by yourself ... and it was very good by the way ... --- She bites her lips while laughing, I don't know why that image bothers me, I put out my cigarette , I look at her and say --- Nana ... don't make me repeat it --- My expression reflected my lack of patience as she without saying a word picks up her things and leaves the room.

We've been in Tokyo for three weeks and we're leaving in a few days. Since I arrived, this girl has not stopped chasing me like crazy, I met her a few months ago and I will not deny that she attracts me but she has a special power to make me lose my mind in many ways, outside of that I do not think there is anything else between us, I don't know why she keeps insisting, sometimes it seems that she just wants to be able to say that she was with G-Dragon, anyway I think it's time to leave this here, she only sleeps with the star and I only manage to see another face in my head when we do it.

I grab the notebook to write. A feeling comes over me as I look at the city lights, I am here in a luxury hotel, surrounded by people who work for me, the fans and paparazzi chase me wherever I go, but I Kwon Ji Yong, the star G-Dragon… I feel lonely. I look down to see the words that I wrote
"I'm sad for some reason, loneliness catches me up. A part of my heart is empty. I need somebody, I ain't got nobody" I… I need her…

~ Jennie ~

I walk to the bathroom to refresh my face after a dance practice that has exhausted me. The cold water feels good on my face, while I dry and rearrange my hair, someone enters the bathroom and leans against the wall, I don't pay attention until that person begins to speak.
--- No matter how much you try, the whore face does not come off so easily --- recognizing her voice I restrain myself and answer her calmly without looking at her --- Do you say it from experience, Dara-Unnie? --- I notice that It bothers her even more, but I don't care anymore, I'm not going to be intimidated by her anymore.
---You know? You are not in a suitable position to treat your Unnie like that… I know things… many… and I think it would not benefit you if I went around saying them --- Hearing this alarmed me. What does she know exactly? She continues with her speech.
--- I know for example that a certain bitch disappeared one night with a man ... it may not make sense at this point to tell the president about this but you know ... if I just call a reporter, a rumor could start ... ---
--- Oh ... I already know what this is about, so try it, I want to see who will believe something like that, because Ji Yong will never say a word while I deny it, are you surprised that I say his name? If you already knew that he was the man with whom that bitch you are talking about disappeared --- She looks at me without knowing what to say, I decided to continue, I am already tired of this game and I want to make it clear at once.
--- Calling me "bitch" doesn't insult me, you should feel bad about yourself ... since as you say, a "bitch" did what you haven't achieved in years, get over it and leave me alone once, if you have something to claim, it's not with me , go and claim Ji Yong in any case, it was he who rejected you --- She is silent for a moment until she leaves the bathroom enraged. Suddenly the door of one of the cubicles opens and Jisoo comes out shocked
--- So that night you and Ji Yong…? ---

• Author's note: The words written by GD are part of the lyrics of his solo track "Superstar" •

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