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~ Jennie ~

Too fast to live too young to die… The phrase repeats itself in my head as my fingertips run across the tattoo on his back. Somehow he found the right words to describe himself, oppa comes and goes ... no one can predict his actions, not even me. He comes and goes by for months, and at the least expected moment he disappears longer than he was, I am a constant on his trip, a point that he visits every time his hectic life allows him, and I am fine with that, or that's what I have believed during the year that we have been having those meetings to live only the moment.

At this point looking at him here asleep next to me, I begin to wonder if this is really enough, if I can continue to endure having him one night and then yearn him for months. No matter what's the answer, I don't think I'll be able to get out, I still think it's worth it, if I can spend an hour with him I don't mind waiting ...

~ Ji Yong ~

Daylight comes in through the window and makes me wake up. I feel Jennie's caress running down my back, she is silent, I feel like her gaze is fixed on me. I know she is worried, she is waiting for me to disappear again. This time it will be different, it will be longer, so I have taken the courage to tell her, today will be the last time until I return.

I turn to Jen, she is surprised to see me awake, the natural light makes her slanted eyes shine more than normal, or is it not because of the light ... She smiles and I forget everything.
--- Did I wake you up? --- Jen asks
--- No, I had been awake for a long time, I was letting you enjoy touching me --- I say in a sarcastic tone, on the contrary I was the one who enjoyed her caresses.
--- Thank you great G-Dragon for allowing me to touch your body --- she tells me she between laughter.
--- Don't call me like that ..., you know that I don't like that people close to me refer to me like that, for you I am Kwon Ji Yong, oppa, Ji Yonh-ah, the real one, without masks or reservations ---
--- Oh no, what do I do then? I think I like two men, because G-Dragon also drives me crazy --- Saying that I can't help but feel ashamed.
--- There is something I have to tell you --- My serious tone makes a change in the atmosphere --- In a week I start the production of my album, and then the tour will come, I don't think we'll see each other again --- Later of a silence Jen answers.
--- Okay, I already sensed it… for how long? --- She questioned with her head downcast
--- I'll be back in October, it's a long time I know ---
--- I ... I will be fine, I will concentrate on my activities and I will continue my life as before ---
--- Jen, do you remember what we talked about a while ago on the coast? I still have it in mind, I told you that I could only assure you what I felt at that time, well today I will do it again, nothing has changed since that day-- -
--- Nothing has changed for me either oppa --- Jen's words take a great weight off me, I don't dare ask her to wait for me but it's good to know that she will do, because I've been doing it for a long time.

•Author's note: Do you like my story? Then help me voting, so I can continue writing. Much love•

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