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~Jennie kim~

--- Unnie, aren't you coming to lunch
with us? --- Lisa asks who is holding hands with Rose --- Go ahead, I need to go to the bathroom --- I answer them, they continue towards the coffee while I take another direction .

When I get out of the bathroom my cell phone rings, a text message from oppa !! "I'm at the company, come to the studio, do you remember what I promised you a week ago?" I get instantly excited and practically run towards him. I stifle to the door, I fix my hair, I don't even know why I did that. I knock on the door and I feel his voice,--- Go ahead !! --- I go in and see him, the color of his hair has changed, now it is silver blonde, he looks more god than ever - - Oppa! You had a makeover! --- he answers --- Yes, why don't I look good? --- he tells me with a mischievous expression, he knows that he looks better than good, I don't answer him and I laugh.
--- Well and what is that so urgent surprise? --- I ask, he settles in his seat and plays a song, it's new, I had never heard it, it has a bit dark lyrics.
--- Tell me what do you think, do you like it? --- I answer --- Yes, it is very good, but why do you ask me about that? --- He stares at me, approaches me, and says close to my face , as low as a whisper --- Because you are going to sing it with me --- I stay in silence looking at his face, his words are repeated in my head. --- Oppa ... I ... did I hear well? --- I ask with a broken voice --- I say it again, you Jennie, are you going to sing this song with me --- I still can't believe it.

~Ji yong~

She is stunned, this has really taken her by surprise --- Aren't you going to say anything? --- I ask her --- I ... I don't know what to say, thank you very much !! --- she throws herself at me and hugs me, I remain motionless, no one taught him that men are not hugged like that ... She turns away with a big smile on his face and I fall for her again, I wonder if she barely notices what I feel ...

--- We will start the familiarization with the song from today, we have little time to record it --- She looks at me worried and asks --- Do you think I do it right? I would not want to make your music look bad --- I smile and think about how she can spoil a song that was intended for her voice, doesn't she know that if there is something that I have never questioned, it is her talent ... --- Of course You will do it well, I will take care of that, and get ready because you will go to the promotions --- She opens her eyes wide, now she was shocked.

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