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~ Jennie ~

--- Well this is it, what do you think? --- Teddy asks after giving us the news that in a few months we will begin a huge world tour that will cover several continents, after hearing that the girls and I have been completely shocked. A tour that begins in November of this year and ends in January 2020, wow ... that's a long time and above a lot of work.

--- It's great !! --- Lisa exclaims while jumping for joy --- well, yes, our time to shine has arrived, finally everything we fight for is coming, we get up and hug each other, from now on we will work very hard to reach our goals.

Back in the apartment late at night, lying on my bed I reach for my cell phone while I play with the ring that oppa left in my bathroom, I wonder if he really forgot it or left it there for me to find it, now it does not matter, the effect is the same, I just need to see it or hear his song and hi is back here. I wish I could call him and give him the great news of the tour but his phone is always off, I know that is normal in the army but it saddens me that he does not make the effort to communicate with me, has he seen our new video? Many questions about him are spinning in my head but I  never have an answer.

My phone rings, a notification to my private instagram ... when I see the name I get up from the bed in amazement, it's ... Kai. He has sent me a request to follow me, I don't know what to do should I accept it? I look at oppa's ring once more and then the cell phone screen, what difference does it make ... there is nothing wrong with accepting it, I press the screen with my finger and with that gesture everything begins.

Likes in my posts, private messages, compliments, long chat conversations… It only took a few weeks to bring a smile to my face every time I saw his name on my phone screen.

"Hello, I have thought a lot about this and I would like to see you in person, and I do not know maybe to have an appointment" Some time after that message here I am in the parking lot of the building waiting for him to come and get me in his car. My nerves are killing me I think I'm doing something crazy and I'm starting to regret it, I take my cell phone out of my coat pocket to call him and cancel but it's late, his car has just stopped next to me, Kai is here.

I get in the car as quickly as possible --- Emm… hi… everything okay? Where are we going? --- my trembling voice makes me embarrassed in front of him who looks so confident. --- I know a park not far from here where we can walk and talk a bit --- says Kai --- A park? In public? Not! I cannot be seen on a date, my contract prohibits it --- I replied scared --- Hey pretty, relax, I know it, that park is always empty --- he answers me and puts the car in March.

--- You look a bit nervous Jennie, is it the first time you run away with a boy? --- I feel his playful tone
--- There are many things you don't know about me Kai --- laughs
--- Mmm then I guess it's not the first time, I confess that I feel disappointed, I wanted to be the first to steal you --- his voice is so seductive, I can't stop looking at his thick lips when he speaks ---What are you looking at me so much? ---
Shit he got me --- I ... nothing, when do we get there? --- quick  I change subject.
--- We are already here, is it there ahead, you see? Where are those trees --- We arrive and turn off the car, we remain in an awkward silence.

--- Hey and how are you, I mean, do you feel good? The previous times I saw you you did not seem to be well --- He asks worried.
--- I'm better now, I've been struggling with an ankle injury, in addition to other things that had me stressed ---
--- Oh… I see --- he places his hand on my cheek and my heart races uncontrollably --- And with me? You don't feel stressed, do you? --- when he is saying those words, his lips draw a smile
--- I ... no ... with you I feel good --- Yes, believe it or not with Kai I feel good, his warmth makes me feel the security that I did not have in a long time, the way he looks at me ... It makes me good. My eyes land on his lips again, I ... I want to kiss him.

--- You know Jennie, seeing you in the performances and in the media you caught my attention, I said wow ... that girl with a cold and fierce look, elegant, serious, she is great. But after seeing you those two times so vulnerable, I just wanted to protect you, to know what it was that made you transform that way behind the scenes, and here we are now---
--- I never thanked you for helping me, thanks Kai, you were literally the pillar that prevented me from collapsing --- He approaches me, removes his seat belt to get closer and tells me so low that I don't know if I I imagine it or actually I hear it
--- Let me continue to be that pillar for you --- Those words came at the moment when I needed them the most, how can I deny them ...? How to deny Kai ...?

~ Ji Yong ~

I ... miss her so much ...

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