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~ Jennie ~

--- OH MY GOD !!!, seriously… you did it !! --- Jisoo exclaims and I throw myself towards her to cover her mouth --- Unnie !! Sh ... Don't speak so loud !! --- She with my hand still in her mouth and her eyes that pop out, nods --- Umm, umm ---
When I see that she calms down I let her speak ---You know you have to tell me everything… when I say everything is everything…--- From imagining it my face turns completely red ---Waaa !! Look at your face ... it must have been very good for you to blush like that--- says Jisoo laughing ---Unnie ... you just make me feel shy ... ---Jisoo looks at me sideways and says ---Yes of course become shy now ...--- We left the bathroom with laughter to return to the practice room.

~ Ji Yong ~

--- Hyung !! --- Seungri exclaims from his seat on the plane--- You have to see this !!--- He hands me her cell phone and I read what Seungri is referring to.

How could this happen, it will be that one day will I have peace? While I grab my hair my gaze sinks in the headline that I have in front of me and I can only think of the damage it could cause her when she also reads it, maybe she already read it.

Hours later we arrive at the Shanghai airport, my mind is lost at this moment, anxiety begins to take over me, I check my cell phone every five minutes waiting for a message or call from Jennie but I don't dare call her myself,I don't know what to tell her. We didn't promised anything but the feeling that I betrayed her trust begins.

---Mr. Kim--- I call my manager and we separate for a moment--- I need you to get me a flight to and from Seoul, for tonight preferably---
---What? !!, but we just arrived in Shanghai and the concert is in two days, the rehearsals are scheduled for tomorrow!--- He claims me ---Do what I tell you and I'll be here tomorrow at the night, I will rehearse as soon as I arrive ---He remains motionless with no intention of doing what I ask--- Come on !! Move!--- I don't know what I'll say when I have her in front of me but I just hope things don't get screwed up so soon.

~ Jennie ~

---Jisoo stretches your arm more when you do that step--- The choreographer rectifies the movements of the routine for our comeback. Tomorrow will be the live presentation on television and everything has to be perfect. The door of the practice room opens and Teddy our producer enters, at the same moment a group of traines pass through the corridor, one of them is screaming

---Look!! GD-sumbaenim's new girlfriend! Waaa how beautiful! --- At that moment I completely lose my concentration, I feel an immense pain that comes from my left leg and in a second I am on the floor of the room doubled with pain and surrounded by everyone

---Unnie !!! Are you okay?!--- Lisa was the first to reach me, everyone keeps asking me that question while my tears come out non-stop and I don't know exactly what hurts me the most at this moment.

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