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~Ji yong~

---Oppa…--- I feel Jen's voice in a whisper, but my eyes are too heavy to open.
---Ji Yong-oppa ...--- this time she says it by stroking my hair above my ear, I can feel her breath brushing against me.
---mmm--- I answer without opening my eyes.
---Oppa I'm leaving, my manager is waiting for me downstairs in the car, rehearsals start early--- right? I stir in bed while I stretch my arms and reach on my cell phone to see the time, it is still night.
---Wow ... it's 5 am, if you leave then you've been awake for a long time--- Jen's cell phone rings.
---Oppa is my manager, I'm leaving, remember the show starts at 7:30 pm, but you can arrive earlier to see the girls if you want--- After saying this Jen kisses my cheek and gets up to finally leave while I stay sleeping a little more.

Morning comes and the light makes me lose sleep. I get up, it is almost 10 am, I go to the living room and pick up the suitcases that are still there, I carry them to the room to unpack some things but the mess we have made isn't fixed yet. My clothes scattered all over the floor as well as some Jen clothes that she did not see because she did not turn on the light early in the morning so as not to wake me up. Before opening the suitcases I begin to gather everything, I take Jennie's clothes and I prepare to put them in an empty bag that she left.

As I do my best to put her things in an orderly way, something falls from his jean pocket and rolls on the floor, when I notice that I go to pick it up, when I take it in my hand I recognize it instantly, it is mine ..., It is precisely the ring that I left in her bathroom years ago, I remember that I did it while the chaos of the girls resounded in Jen's room and I tried to get dressed in a hurry, at that moment I did not notice but then I remembered that I had left it there and I made no attempt to get it back because I wanted something mine to remain in her space, I wanted to be present in some way. I had already completely forgotten that, but looking at the ring in the palm of my hand I realize that somehow it fulfilled its objective, she kept it all this time, she carries it with her, I can't stop imagining how many times she remembered me while she looked it, I am glad that I found this detail, it makes me feel that I was not the only one who missed her, she did too.


---Unnie come here, you girls come too--- I call the girls stealthily.
---Today there may be a surprise--- I tell them with a smile
---Surprise? Tell us what it is !!--- Lisa claims, I get even closer to them so I can whisper to them.
---Ji Yong-oppa is coming ---
--- WHAT !!!--- Lisa's scream goes through the entire stage, causing the choreographers and some staff members to turn around in surprise.
---Lisa shut up!--- Jisoo orders her
---Oh, I'm sorry, that surprised me a lot--- answers the maknae
---So you… saw each other? Did you both get back together?--- Jisoo asks me curious, as always she is very smart for such things.
---This ... yeah !!! But it's a secret--- I tell them warning them and they all make a gesture of silence with their hand. After some racy questions, we finished the break and went back to rehearsal.

As we finish rehearsing the last choreography I feel a murmur and some voices behind the stage, members of the staff and the band begin to go to the same place, also some dancers, they all look excited. The girls and I look at each other wondering what happens until the group of people begins to leave again, behind I see that Ji Yong-oppa comes, the girls' surprised expressions are from a movie, actually I expected it for the show, no now so early.

Oppa approaches us and greets each one of us cordially, everyone else has their eyes on the stage, he acts normally hiding anything suspicious. The tour director approaches excited.

---Kwon Ji Yong !! My favorite artist how long !!--- He says to oppa while he gives him a hug. As I remember the director worked on the last BIGBANG tour and also on the oppa's tour, you can see that he admires him a lot, they start talking and oppa is stolen from me. We also had to go to get ready, it seems that I will not see him again until the time of the concert.

---BLACKPINK leave at 5 !!--- a member of the staff announces us, the girls and me go out through the corridor behind the scenes, before arriving we meet Ji Yong-oppa who wishes us all good luck, for a moment something catches my attention when he gives me his hand, that ring ... it finally returned to its owner.

After giving everything on stage, the concert ends and with it our long tour comes to an end, so many different places, so many concerts, effort, fatigue, joys, all that has finally culminated for now. As we left the stage the girls and I hugged each other through tears, we have come this far with our hard work since we were barely teenagers, we have now conquered many things, among them the one I value most still resonates across the stage, the screams of BLINK.

I feel such great happiness, the girls and I get to the dressing rooms, when I go through the door I see him waiting with a big smile, it's like a dream come true, I walk towards oppa almost running and I throw myself on him with a kiss in his lips holding his face between my hands, for some reason oppa does not kiss me back and he stays frozen, when we separate I perceive the reason for his astonishment reflected in his eyes, it turns out that the dressing room was full of members of the staff, dancers, the director and some managers including mine, and everyone has been stunned, well ... I guess it's not a secret anymore ...

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