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After having slept for two hours, I arrive at the company to meet with Teddy and the production team.
--- Unnie you finally arrive !! Do you feel better? --- Rosé asks me as I walk through the study door, I go blank, while everyone in the room waits for my answer --- Stomach pain Jennie !!, you told me yesterday that You had indigestion !! --- Jisoo tells me, interrupting the silence, I react and follow the flow, Unni has just saved me --- Yes, I feel better already ---
--- Well since we're all here let's get started, this will be the next release --- Teddy puts on a song recording. The lyrics have me transported to Ji Yong's car a few hours ago, yes it's true ...
--- Unni !! Why are you laughing? --- I open my eyes, the song is over --- Oh nothing Lisa, I just really liked playing with fire ... ---

~Ji yong~

--- Nothing, nothing happens --- I bend down to pick up the mess I made, YoungBae grabs my arm and lifts me up by force --- Let me go--- I say
--- Hey bro! What's this all about huh? Yesterday you left ten minutes after arriving, you disappear all night and no one is able to communicate with you, then I see Dara comes out of here in a fury crying and I open the door to see you throw a equipment that costs thousands of dollars, still tells me that nothing happens? --- I look at my friend and I say --- Well, sit down because the story is a bit complicated ---

--- Are you telling me that you got involved with someone from the company after you used that as an excuse to reject Dara, and that someone is Jennie Kim, and Sandara is aware of all that? ... Bro let me tell you this , you're screwed --- He laughs after drawing the conclusions of the matter.
--- What is so funny ...? --- I ask --- Nothing, you as always complicating everything ---
---And look who says it, the one who has only had one relationship in his life ... what you have there of muscle you lack experience in this --- I pinch him and we laugh
--- Hey at least I don't have a madwoman behind me threatening me --- after all we laugh and let the bad moment pass.

My cell phone rings, I reach for it to check it. When I thought there couldn't be more surprises for today, one more comes to the list.
--- Hey YoungBae, I think I should start listening to your advice --- He looks at me and asks --- Why? Who is it?---
Aichhh ... I run my hand through my hair and shake it, what a day !! ... --- Another crazy person, nothing to worry about, I guess ... --- I read the text message again

"Nana: Hi !! I heard that you´ll be in Tokyo next week, I made a reservation at the same hotel that you. See you soon”

•Author's note: Uri sarangeun buljangnan... my love is on FIRE..., BLACKPINK•

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