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~ Jennie ~

--- Hello… Ji Yong-oppa --- is the first thing that comes out of my mouth when he answers my call, Ji Yong remains silent but I hear his breathing, seconds later he speaks

--- Jen ... I didn't really expect that you call me, but I don't deny that I'm glad --- my heart flutters like never before hearing her voice, after so long he still has the same effect on me.

--- Oppa ... I am aware that you are already at home, I wanted to wait a while after you left the army to call you, how are you? ---

--- I'm fine, enjoying my new life, but ... the nerves in your voice tell me that you didn't call me to ask how I'm doing ---

---Yes it's correct. I've been thinking a lot and I've taken the courage to call you. Oppa ... I, I want you to come back to me, if I'm the one who has to bring you back I don't care, I'm willing to do that---

---I thought you were already over me Jennie, or that's what I understood ---

---You only understood what the world saw---

---Well, will you explain to me then?--- How I expected, his pride is hurt

---Oppa do not hold a grudge against me, neither do I with what happened with Nana. It was a mistake like yours, it was me trying to find myself, it took me time but just like you that time I found my way, back to you, to us, I never forgot ours, I don't want to forget it, on the contrary, I want it to continue growing--- Ji Yong-oppa did nothing but listen to my confession in silence

---Oppa ... won't you say anything?---

~ Ji Yong ~

As I listen to Jen's words, the cold breeze from my garden makes my face freeze, I put a hand to my cheek to notice the source of that cold, it was a tear that the wind dried, I guess I have become all sentimental, how could I not be moved by hearing the words that I thought I was only going to hear in my dreams. Happiness seems to be knocking on my door, screaming in a wild way, so loud that I feel afraid that if I open that door it will slip out of my hands.

--- Oppa… aren't you going to say anything? --- Jen asks, how do you expect me to answer if not even the voice comes out of my throat, I take a deep breath

--- I ... I am ready for you to come for me, take me Jen, wherever you want I will follow you, you do not realize that since I saw you sing and dance in the practice room I have never left your side ? --- Take me my Jennie, my J, who makes me throb, my little apprentice, my muse ...

--- Come to Fukuoka, Japan, the last stop of the tour in February, I want you to be here when this stage of my life ends, I want to share it with you ---

--- You just told me that you are going to take me but you make me go to Japan? --- Jen is silent --- Just kidding J, I'll be there ---

--- Oppa !! You left me with my heart in my hand, I miss you, I just wanted you to know that before hanging up ---

--- I've been missing you since I saw you--- I sound too cheesy but I don't care ---You can always hear the song I gave you and you'll have me by your side ...---

---I know, believe me when I say I know--- Good to know that.

My Idol, My Muse | JendragonWhere stories live. Discover now