Special 1: Sandara Park

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Special 1: Dara

--- Chaelin are you sure about this? --- I ask CL about the plan we made together but I'm starting to regret it
--- Unnie yes !! It's now or never. How long do you plan to hide what you feel? It is time to take sides in this, it is not enough that you just hint at him, I know Jiyong well and I know that he can be very slow in terms of these issues ---
--- I don't know, I have a bad feeling about this ---
--- What's the worst that can happen? That he reject you? If that happens then you can get over it and move on but I don't want you to regret it later for never having tried ---
--- Ok you convinced me --- I say with a sigh
--- So what is the plan? ---
--- After the concert I will ask him to meet me, I have even prepared a bottle of the wine he likes ---
---Wow!! How good!! Unnie Fighting !! --- Chaelin tells me to cheer me up
--- Do you know something Chae? There is something that has been bothering me for some time ---
--- A girl ... I see her very close to Jiyong and I have also seen him hanging around her ...--- I say with concern
---A girl? Who?---
--- Jennie, she just debuted ---
--- Ah ... I know who she is, that girl has her personality, a cold look, the times I have seen her in the company despite bowing and formally greeting me, her eyes express a lot ---
--- I know, I have faced her already ... I thought that because she was very young it would be easy but I underestimated her ---
--- Unnie don't worry about it. Do you really think Jiyong is going to be after such a young girl? What could she give him? She also just debuted, I don't think she will approach him if she wants to take care of her image ---
---Yes I hope so...---

After the concert, all the BIGBANG members, and other artists along with the staff, head backstage to congratulate the members. I arrive and see Jiyong, he is sitting in front of the mirror removing his makeup and wiping his face from the sweat of more than 2 hours of the show. I start to get closer to him and immediately my nerves wake up, my legs feel so limp that I could fall to the ground as I walk. Finally I get to his side and with my heart in my mouth I decide to talk to him
--- Jiyong-ah ... can we talk later at the party? I have something important to tell you...---
For a moment I thought that he hadn't heard me since he was just staring in the mirror but then he turns his head and with a smile he nods, after all it wasn't as bad as I thought.

The party venue is huge, there is plenty of food and drinks of all kinds for the whole YG family, after all a group having a successful 10-year career is not something to ignore.
--- Unnie !! What are you waiting for?? Go !! --- CL yells in my ear because the music is very loud. I look at her and nod and then head to where Jiyong is.

Arriving almost to meet him I look at him, he has his gaze fixed on something for a moment and then he sets off somewhere, I decide to follow him, I shout his name sometimes while I try to reach him but it makes no sense the music does not let my voice get to him, Jiyong just keeps walking determined somewhere.

Finally when he reaches a clearer area at the entrance of an empty corridor, before calling his name again I instinctively put my hand to my mouth to prevent it, Jiyong was following a girl, she enters one of the utility rooms , Jiyong turns to see that no one sees him and I can only react by hiding, moments later I peek again ... he was gone ... he had entered that room, the same one in which moments before Jennie entered.

The world falls at my feet as I stand in that dark corridor, I can't react, I guess this is it for me, minutes later I feel like they open the door and I see them walk out holding hands towards the parking lot, in the bottom line I still hope that it is not what I imagine but and I feel the most stupid person for that. I guess that bottle of wine will only have my company tonight ...

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