Special 2: Kai's story

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"Hello, I have thought a lot about this and I would like to see you in person, and I don't know

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"Hello, I have thought a lot about this and I would like to see you in person, and I don't know... maybe to have a date"

---Noooo!!!! What did you do Hyung !! Why did you do that ?? --- I yell like crazy at Tae Min as he laughs and runs from me all over the room.
---I just gave you a little push, you should be grateful--- he says with a laugh
---Little push ?? AAAAHHHH I hate you for this, you are going to pay me, you will see---
---I'm sorry but you had me fed up, Jennie this, Jennie the other, Jennie, Jennie, Jennie ... I couldn't take it anymore, besides what will be the surprise if you have been chatting for days, it was time you took the initiative---
---Exactly!! ME!! Not you---
---She doesn't know---

I look at the phone screen to check again what this idiot wrote ... "Hi, I have thought a lot about this and I would like to see you in person, and I don't know... maybe to have a date" God I can't believe it. Wait ... she read it
---SHE READ IT !!!--- I yell at Tae Min. The nerves run through my body and my hands start to sweat ---Wait… She's writing !!---
---Seriously?? Let me see, put away your hand I can't see--- my friend who strode across the room to see Jennie's response tells me ---If it's so fast, it's that she's going to reject you outright or that she was waiting for you to take initiative---
---I hope it's the second option, if she rejects me and I can't write her again, you're going to die tonight---

"Yes I would like it very much"

And that's how it all began.

The more time I spent with her the more new things I discovered, the cold-eyed girl who appeared in the magazines and her fierce performances on stage did not have much to do with the real Jennie, except when she got angry about something, at that moment she scared me a lot. But in general she was too cute and somewhat shy, and she had one of the cutest smiles I have ever seen, so I always tried to make her laugh.

Sometimes when we went out she would get thoughtful and get lost in her own world. In our first dates she had the habit of rolling a ring on her finger, it was evident that it wasn't hers since the size didn't match her delicate fingers, once I asked her why she always wore it ... she only kept it in her bag and with a smile said that it was nothing important, after that I didn't see it again.

Every time I kissed her it was as if the world around me stopped, I loved caressing her soft and bulging cheeks. When she dated me she rarely wore excessive makeup or accessories but still she was the prettiest girl at my eyes, instead I always tried to look better to get her attention.

Her friends ... I couldn't meet the girls in person, it was quite difficult to meet Jennie alone, it would be almost impossible to meet the others, but once I spoke with Jisoo for a few minutes on Jennie's phone, she seemed very funny and friendly.

The one I met in person was Mino, I must say that till this day he is not someone to my liking, we meet each other at a show while doing promotions, he seemed too close to Jennie and that bothered me a lot, he noticed it and he amused himself with that, always with a smile as if he was hiding something, at that time I thought they had a story, I was suspicious of him until the end.

Things started to get more serious on our trip to Paris. Since I knew that our schedules were going to coincide, I wasted no time and prepared everything. Everything was perfectly planned in my head so that would be our night. The romantic dinner under the Eiffel Tower and then, if she accepted, the culmination of the night at the hotel, I even prepared a playlist on my phone for that moment… my biggest mistake.

Several things happened that night that didn't make sense to me. We entered the room and I wrapped her in my arms while kissing her, I could feel her desire and her agitated breathing, my hands ran over her body and I got rid of her dress, I took off my shirt and she caressed my abdomen, everything was perfect until that song started playing, she called me "oppa" was the first time and I felt happy, then she left me and left the room. It turns out that it wasn't me who she called that.

After the press published about our relationship she called me desperate, she wanted to keep the secret at all costs, she wanted me to lie, I just wanted us to be able to have a normal relationship, and lying ti everybody wasn't the way to do that, in that moment I made the decision to not listen to her, I was selfish, I thought that it was the best thing for both of us, that she could be upset for a while but eventually she would forgive me and we could be together without so much trouble, but that was my biggest mistake, thinking for her, because until the end I never knew what was going through her mind.

The last time we met, she broke up with me. She was very upset that I had not listened to her, until that moment of the discussion I thought that later she would pass until she said "Oppa she would never do such a thing" ... at that moment I realized, that Oppa who she was referring was another person, it wasn't me, jealousy invaded me and as I shook her shoulders, I demanded that she tell me who that man was, rather I expected her to confirm that he was that idot Mino, but I was the idiot for thinking it was him.

Only to this day, reading this unpleasant page on the internet, I know who she was referring to, who was behind her sad looks that I as a fool tried to erase, who was the owner of that ring that I never saw again, and whose It was the song that sounded that night in Paris, this battle was always lost for me.

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