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~Jennie kim~

I have come with Jisoo to the stylists room of the company, the monthly evaluation is next week and we have decided to make a change of appearance and practice our makeup skills. Jisoo decides to try the red color in her hair, mine has always been very weak so it would not be a good idea to abuse many products. Finally I decide to get some blank inner strands, and I am very satisfied with the result. We put on makeup and we try on what we will use in our presentation.

Today there is hardly anyone in the company, so we decided to go to the practice room to do the routine and record ourselves to perfect any mistakes. In the middle of the hall, Jisoo says that she needs to go to the bathroom so I go alone to start the music and set up the camera, there's no time to lose, it's a miracle that the room is empty.

I prepare everything and wait a few minutes, unnie is taking a long time, so I better take advantage and record my solo, I have not practiced enough. I sing at the top of my lungs and perform my performance as if it were the day of the test. I finish and with my eyes closed I catch my breath. A dull sound runs through the room, applause coming in the direction of the door. I look scared, to see who it is, the surprise is enormous, again I am frozen, my broken voice suffocated by the performance only manages to say a few words --- Sumbae !! I'm very sorry, I know I shouldn't be here, today is not the day that the traines are allowed to use ... --- he interrupts me and says
--- Shhh ... Don't worry, I really enjoyed your presentation, I didn't dare to interrupt you, you're impressive.
--- Thank you very much !! --- I bow.
---I'm serious. I'm curious about you, are you always looking so neat?
I blush and feel that my hands begin to sweat, this is already more than I had talked to him in the two years that I have been here --- No, it is that ... well I wanted to practice as if it were the day of the evaluation.
---Oh I see. Well now excuse me, I have to practice the choreography of my new song. If you notice the building is almost empty and it is for that reason, to prevent the main single from leaking.
--- Yes, of course, excuse me again --- I leave the practice room saddened.

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