Part 19

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Namaari smiled at Raya and said while holding her hands, "It would be odd if we don't show up for dinner dep la...and somehow, people know about us being together."

Raya's eyes widened slightly and she sat up and said, "W-What?!"

"I have no idea how but Pranee and Sisu came to call us for dinner in their human form and were gushing over us being a couple. They said they overheard people talking about us." explained Namaari.

Raya buried her face in her hands and said, "Ugh! Really? Don't people know of something called 'personal life'? And why is it even a big deal?"

"I don't know but...eventually we'll find out what exactly they're saying about us. Anyway, we need to get to dinner. I'm sure your appetite is open dep la" Said Namaari.

Namaari put her hands around Raya's waist, pulling her up from the bed.

"You just had to be romantic with that, huh?" said Raya with a smirk.

"Of course, love."

Namaari walked ahead of her and opened the door for her.

They went to the table and were both surprised at the number of guests there, including Sisu and Pranee in their human form. The chief sat beside some of his servant friends, talking and laughing with them. When everyone saw that Raya and Namaari have arrived, all attention was placed on them as they took their seats, beside each other. Raya felt shy and nervous and felt safe behind her hair as it partially blocked the nervous expression on her face. Namaari, however, wasn't feeling as nervous as Raya. She had her usual bold look on her face.

"S-sorry for being late Ba, and... o-others..." Said Raya softly with her head down.

"That's totally fine." replied the chief with a smile. 

As dinner was being served, everyone parted in their separate conversations. Sisu and Pranee sat next to Raya and Namaari. Raya started to nervously eat and heard Sisu playfully said, "Look at how shy she is Pranee. So adorable"

Raya pretended not to hear. Namaari looked over at them while smiling and said, "When are you two gonna stop torturing my princess?"

"OMG YOU HEARD THAT SISU? THE OWNERSHIP! THE ROMANCE! 'MY PRINCESS'!" expressed Pranee as she playfully let her head fall on Sisu.

Raya thought it was funny but was quite uncomfortable regardless.

"Don't pay them any attention dep la" Said Namaari as she held her hand.

Raya felt a wave of relief as she stared in Namaari's eyes. 

Sisu and Pranee continued with their occasional jokes as they ate their main courses. 

"Ouu Cascarons are for dessert! My favorite treat!" expressed Raya while desserts were being served.

"You like everything that's sweet" said Namaari as she chuckled.

"Of course she does. Her sweet treats remind her of her Sweetie" teased Pranee in awe.

"Righttt. But not only sweet treats. The Mighty Sisudatu reminds me of her as well." Said Raya as she stared at Sisu.

"Aww so sweet!" expressed Sisu.

"Yeah...Remember Raya? We were sharing a meal, like now, when I gave you my necklace of her. It's been the closest thing to me when I was much younger and even now, I cherish it greatly." Namaari zoned out as she spoke, thinking of that very first meal she had with was that very day she betrayed her... Raya and everyone had forgiven her for what she's done but she struggled to forgive herself for her past actions and whenever they're in a setting that reminds her of what happened, she felt very awful within.

"Dep okay?" Asked Raya gently.

"Y-Yeah...I just...need to get a breath of fresh air..." 

Raya knew something was wrong and she held on to her hand and said, "Hey... don't feel sad dep la... we can talk about whatever is bugging you after dinner. I'm here for you."

Namaari smiled and said, "Okay"

For another 20 minutes, they had normal casual conversations with Pranee and Sisu.

Afterwards, they departed to their separate locations. Benja was thrilled to see his daughter and Namaari in a very happy mood.

After arriving back in Raya's room, she and Namaari sat on a chair and Raya said, "I feel like to sleep for another 2 days."

"You are not going into that bed if you're not squeaky clean" teased Namaari.

"Shower time?" asked Raya with a smirk.

"I prefer cold baths." Said Namaari smiling.

"Well yeah. I enjoy baths more than showers."

Raya wanted to ask Namaari something but was shy. She was blushing and bending her lips then Namaari picked up and said, "What's on your mind dep la?"

"I...I'm just so shy to say..." mumbled Raya

Namaari pulled her closer and said, "Tell me..."

"I just...kinda wanna have a bath with you..." Said Raya while playing with her hair and blushing.

"Of course we will." Said Namaari delightedly.

Raya's cheeks got redder as she blushed harder since Namaari agreed without hesitating. 

"I hope the water is super cold because we're about to get super hot." said Namaari while smirking at Raya.

Hot and Cold indeed! What do you think is gonna happen next?
Don't forget to leave a vote <3

Note: Only a few more chapters will complete this fanfiction

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