Part 22

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The Sun was barely up as yet when Namaari woke. It was still pretty dark and Raya was in her deep sleep. The birds had started singing their songs and interacting with each other. The orange, red and purple of the sunrise was absolutely gorgeous. Namaari slowly detangled herself from Raya then she yawned.  She went to the window, admiring nature's morning show. After a while, she went to brush her teeth and wash her face. The cold, early morning breeze felt refreshing and she felt rejuvenated.

She then went back beside Raya and held her close. After about 10 minutes, Raya tossed around a bit. "Good morning princess." whispered Namaari.

"Mhmm" replied Raya. She wasn't fully awake as yet. Namaari's warm embrace made her a lot more comfortable. Namaari kissed her forehead then hummed a song her mother used to sing to her when she was young.

🎶A brand new day
It's gonna be your day
Another chance to make memories
A brand new day
With undiscovered treasures
And you will find and claim it all

You're so strong, you're so beautiful
And have a bright future ahead of you
Start the day with a smile
And good things will flow to you🎶

Raya could slightly hear her humming and it woke her fully. She yawned and said with her eyes half opened, "That was beautiful."

"Thanks dep la. Mother sang that song to me when I was younger and that motivated me to begin my day with a positive mindset.

"Aww that's so sweet. Also, did you sleep well princess?"

"Yeah. I feel really great about today for some reason." expressed Namaari as she smiled.

At that time, the morning sun was fully up, the rays dissipating the lingering cold. Raya tried sitting up but Namaari playfully held her down.

"W-what are you doing?" Asked Raya while giggling.

"We didn't do this.."

"Do wh-"

Before she could finish asking? Namaari sealed her lips with hers. That lasted for about 20 seconds.

"Dep laaaaaaaaaaa I didn't even brush my teeth!" exclaimed Raya.

"I don't care! Your lips are a sensation to behold." expressed Namaari with a smile.

Namaari felt very head over heels that morning. Raya was happy that she was in a lot better mood than the  night before. She went to brush her teeth, wash her face and while she did, Namaari brushed her hair.

"Your hair is absolutely gorgeous and so healthy." said Namaari as she admired Raya's hair

"Thank you princess. You should grow away your undercut." teased Raya.

"Hell nah. I do not want long hair. I love its current length. You should consider cutting yours." 


"Hmm...oh really? Long hair doesn't make you an effective warrior dep la." said Namaari.

"And what makes you think that?" Said Raya with a semi-angry expression as she stared at Namaari in the mirror.

"With this hair length, you can easily be pulled down by an enemy. If your hair is restrained my the opponent, you have a 5% chance of combat."

"You're trying to push my buttons huh? Let's test that out later." said Raya.

Namaari smirked as Raya challenged her, "Of course your majesty." 

"I'm starving right now dep la. I need food." said Raya.

"I bet you'll be eating every sweet item they have..." mumbled Namaari to herself.

"What did you just say?" 

Namaari laughed and said, "Oh nothing dep la."

Raya turned around and stared her in the eyes and Namaari said, "What's wrong."

Raya didn't respond and only folded her hands.

"Chill out princess..." said Namaari as she rubbed her cheek. That affection melted Raya and she said, "Okay dep la. I'll challenge you at sundown."

"Game on" agreed Namaari.

They both went to the dining area. 

"Ah, two beautiful princesses." said Chief Benja as he admired them both as they sat.

"Good morning Ba" said Raya as she went to hug Benja.

Namaari bowed to him and he said, "How are you doing Namaari?"

"I'm great, thanks." Replied Namaari with a smile.

Within minutes, breakfast was served.

"This is sooo good" exclaimed Raya as she started eating her noodles.

"I requested a different taste and since our chef was playing around with food and trying new dishes, I gave him breakfast opportunity." Explained Benja

"That's awesome chief. And Raya will definitely need the strength" said Namaari as she glanced at Raya with a smirk.

The chief was puzzled and he asked, "Umm what do you mean?"

"I challenged Namaari to a fight. She claimed that I'm not an effective warrior with long hair" said Raya with a hair flip.

"I mean... She's not wrong dew drop" Said Benja as he rubbed his chin.

"Ba! So you're already on Namaari's side?" Expressed Raya in disappointment. The chief chuckled and said, "I'm not on any side. Whoever wins, wins. And to motivate you both, I have a prize for the winner.

"Which will belong to me... It's inevitable" said Namaari as she teased Raya.

Raya folded her hands as she stared at Namaari but couldn't last long. She simply couldn't resist the noodles.

"So we'll have quite a few spectators. And the better warrior will be the victor!" Said the chief. He excited the girls like a parent telling their children fantasy stories.

Who will win?Namaari or Raya? We'll find out who's the victor🥳! For now, please vote <3

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