Epilogue P.1

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Disclaimer: Spoilers

It was spring break of their senior year. Quinn and Rachel had just welcomed their daughter, Bryce Judith Berry-Fabray, into the world a few months ago.

After the hold up at the market and the shooting, Quinn had come to the conclusion that she wanted to pursue law enforcement as secondary career choose. She loved basketball. It was her first love. Well second to Rachel and the kids of course. She also wanted something else to fall back on in the future. Being a cop seemed to be right up her alley. She had a knack for it. Kind of like her big sister, JJ.

Over the years, after the passing of their mother and their father disappearing, Quinn would spend most of her summers in D.C with JJ. Sometimes she would go to work with her, and even learn a few things from the team. Mostly Derek, he just loved to teach Quinn his badass agent ways. From hand to hand combat, to shooting, which she learned from her sister of course, being the best shooter on the team. Hotch and Gideon and later Rossi had also taught her how to read human emotions and the ways of being a good profiler. Spencer of course showed her the science in it and Garcia the technologic stuff. Quinn was a fast learner too. Some actually said she was a natural when she showed off her police knowledge.

For Spring Break, JJ thought it would be good for Quinn to attend a young cadets' camp they had during back in DC. It was kind of like a miniature boot camp where they would show kids the way of the force and possible get some future police officers and FBI agents. JJ thought Quinn should check it out. After discussing this with JJ, her father, and of course Rachel, Quinn agreed to go.

The unfortunate part of it was Quinn of course wanted Rachel to go, but because she just had Bryce, neither were at the state to fly on a plane. Bryce was too young to fly (or so they thought.)

Rachel still insist that Quinn go. It was too good of an opportunity for Quinn to pass up. Reluctantly Quinn agrees, but also took Lucas with her. Rachel just had a baby, she didn't need the stress of a two year old on top of it. Plus he'd have a lot of fun with his cousin, Henry. They had become great friends over time.

It's been three days since Quinn and Lucas had been in D.C. They had been staying with JJ and Emily, of course, and all seemed to have their routine down. JJ and Emily would take Quinn to the camp, while the babysitter watched Henry and Lucas, then head to work. Today however Emily and JJ had a day off. Emily was meeting up with Derek, so she agreed to take Quinn while JJ stayed with the boys. She promised she would only be a few hours so that JJ wouldn't be watching the kids alone. Of course JJ never mined spending some alone time with the boys, but it was sweet for Emily to think about her like that.

It was morning. JJ was still in bed while Emily was getting dressed. Suddenly in comes Henry who jumped on the bed, trying to wake his mommy.

"Ohh..." JJ lets out a soft groan, which made Henry giggle.

"Morning Mommy." Henry giggles.

"Oh, morning big man. You're wide awake." JJ says back. Henry excitedly nods his head. Next comes Lucas. "Whoa, you're getting big. And hello to you too little man." Lucas giggles.

"JERONIMO!" Quinn shouts also jumps on the bed, actually landing half on.

"AHH! Get your big ass off me." JJ groans. Quinn and Emily laughs.

"Ohh, Mommy, that's a bad word. Mama, mommy said a bad word." Henry and Lucas giggles. Emily laughs.

"Yes she did. Do you think mommy should be punished for that?" Emily says sending a wink to JJ.

"Oh I think I might like that idea." JJ says back smirking seductively at Emily.

"Eww, virgin ears! There are children in here you know." Quinn groans in playful disgust.

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