Chapter 43

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When Quinn enters into the room, she sees that Rachel is still in fact sleep. Not wanting to disturb her, Quinn quietly walks over to her side and lightly takes her hand.

For the next 15 minutes Quinn just sat in that chair watching Rachel sleep. Yea it was a little creepy, but she couldn't help it. After everything that's happened to them in the last few hours, Rachel just looks so peaceful in her sleep. And to Quinn, she also looked...beautiful.

A few minutes later, Rachel begins to stir in her sleep letting out a painful groan, still feeling the pain from her surgery. Quinn was quickly be her side.

"Quinn..." Rachel whimpers.

"I'm right here." Quinn says. She looks at Rachel and softly smiles at her. "Hey" she says caressing Rachel forehead.

"Hey." Rachel says quietly. "Wh-what happened?" Rachel ask. She tries to sit up, but the pain in her abdomen stopped her.

"Whoa whoa, slow down..." Quinn tries to calm her down.

"Quinn...Quinn what's going on? What happened?" Rachel asks frantically. She tries to remember what happened the last past day. Then it all come back to her. Rehearsing for Regional, the pains in her stomach, her fathers taking her to the hospital, bleeding...the baby. Rachel looks around the room for the baby, but doesn't see a crib or anything.

"Quinn...where's the baby? The baby, Quinn where is he?" Quinn doesn't answer and looks down. "Quinn, where is he? Where is our son?" Quinn's heart skips when Rachel calls him their son. "Quinn!" Rachel asks frantically with tears falling from her face.

"H-how much do you remember?" Quinn asks

"I-I-I don't know." Rachel says tears falling from her eyes. "I-I remember being at home and I-I was rehearsing for Regionals. M-my stomach started hurting. Dad and daddy brought me to the hospital...uh then I think...I-I think there was blood but I don't remember. Quinn please tell me what happened?" Rachel cries.

Quinn takes a deep breath, trying to calm her own tears. Clearing her throat, she begins to explain.

"You-you were brought in after some pains. Something happened and your uh...your placenta was separated from your uterus, which is why you were bleeding. The doctors had to do a quick delivery." A pause. "While uh...while during the delivery, something happened and...and the...the umbilical cord wrapped around his...his neck..." Rachel gasps and tears fell rapidly down her face. "The doctor had to do a C-section." Quinn's voice starts to shake, tears were also falling from her eyes. She was trying to stay strong for Rachel.

"Oh, god. Is...Is he okay? Please tell me he's okay." Rachel cries.

"I-I-I don't know. The cord was around his neck pretty tight, and he-he wasn't breathing when they took out. They had to take him to children's ICU." Quinn explains.

Rachel was silent for a moment.

"I-it's my fault." Rachel says. Quinn looks at Rachel. "It's all my fault. If I hadn't pushed myself so much for Regionals, none of this would have happened. It's all my fault." Rachel cries.

"No no no, no, Rachel, no..." Quinn gets up and wraps her arms around Rachel. "It's not you fault okay. It's not..."

"How can you say that? I-I almost killed our son. Oh god, I almost killed my son." Rachel sobs.

"No you didn't. Rachel, listen to me. Things like this...they happen. It sucks, but they do and we can't control it. You didn't know, okay you didn't. I don't blame you, so neither should you. We just have to hope and pray that he is okay. And he will be okay." Quinn exclaims.

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