Chapter 28

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Minutes after the "choir room brawl", as Puck calls it, news spread like wild fire about who the true "baby daddy" of Rachel Berry's unborn child was. The school was in chaos. Nobody knew who's side to pick. Team Finn or Team Quinn. Should they shun Rachel...more than they already do...for cheating on Finn and getting pregnant in the process or should they help her and understand that she was sorry for what she did.

"If you ask me, I think she got what she deserved." Artie said as he and some of the other gleeks were at the lunch table discussing the recent news.

"Well it's a good thing we didn't ask you now isn't it?" Mike asked sarcastically

"What? She hurt my boy, Finn's, heart. That's not cool. He's begin nothing but nice and generous to that girl, and this is how she repays him." Artie said in disgust

"Yeah, I mean he was almost as good to her as you are to Brittany." Matt said sarcastically.

"Exactly" Artie said proudly.

"Dude, you are such an ass." Matt shook his head.

"Whatever, you just hating."

"I'm so confused." Tina jumps in.

"Why?" Mercedes said

"Because I feel so sorry for Rachel. She's pregnant at 16..."

"Actually she wont be 16 for another few weeks..." Kurt jumps in.

"...and it's not even her boyfriend's. Then her boyfriend finds out and dumps her in front of the whole class."

"Um Tina, sweetie, While I absolutely love that you're recapping everything that's happened, what's your point?" Kurt asked.

"Rachel cheated on Finn, that was bad, but if you listen to the way she sound when she told him what she did, she sounded so sad and heartbroken. And she looked terrified, too." Tina said

"Yeah, cause she saw she was caught, she just put her acting talents in play to cover up that she's selfish." Artie said

"Dude, shut the hell up." Matt snaps.

"What I'm just saying."

"Well don't." Mercedes said

"I just mean that, I'm disappointed in her for cheating on Finn, even if he wasn't the best person for her, it's still not good to cheat. But she didn't mean to, and now she's hurting because of it. I'm just...I'm stuck. Both Finn and Rachel and Quinn are my friends, but I don't know who's side to take."

"Who's side? What do you mean who's side to pick?" Mercedes asked

"I mean who to sympathize with more. They're all hurting here, but they're all also in the wrong for what they did..."

"Whoa, my boy Finn wasn't in the wrong of anything." Artie defended

"Artie please, everybody knows Finn was hooking with some cheerios behind Rachel's back." Mike said

"Whatever, yall can't prove anything."

"...anyway, I just didn't know who's side to pick. It's so confusing." Tina said sadly

Everyone thought about what Tina said and all nodded. It was hard to choose a side to be on when all participants were friends. It was just so hard.

"Well, I know whose side I'm taking, and it aint no spotlight stealing diva." Artie says.

"You do know that's your girlfriend's best friend you're talking about right?" Mike asks.

"Yeah, so she'll get over it."

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