Chapter 15

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Unlike the past two days, where Quinn would wait till the afternoon to talk to Rachel, Thursday morning, Quinn Fabray was a woman on a mission.

After her talk with Puck the other day, Quinn realized two things. One, she really has been sounding like Finn the past few days. That has got to stop. And two, She really needed to talk to Rachel. She had to right the wrong she had created. Well not necessarily the baby part, that part she couldn't take back, just her reaction of it. She was a jerk. She knew that. And although she had already apologized to Rachel for that, how she acted after didn't make it any better. She shouldn't have just giving up so easily. She should have pushed harder and told Rachel she was going to help her no matter what, not just roll over when Rachel said she didn't need her help.

Quinn had to let Rachel know she was here for her and the baby, and that she wasn't alone.

So once Quinn got into school Thursday, she went on a full cavity search for Rachel. When she saw Rachel at her locker with Brittany, she marched right up to her. Nothing was going to stop Quinn from talking to Rachel. No the school bell, not Finn, not even...

"Hey, Quinn"

God in heaven. Quinn thought annoyed when she saw the red head cheerio approaching her.

"Look Ashley..."


"Whatever! Look I'm really busy right now, I don't have time to talk." Quinn said before walking away.

"Busy doing what?" the cheerio asked curiously as she ran up to Quinn.

"I have to talk to Rachel." Quinn said

"Wait, you've been ditching me to talk to Rupaul?" Stephanie asked angry

'Seriously, why they ever called her that when I'm the girl with a dick I will never know' Quinn thought. "Yeah, I am. Excuse me." Quinn said walking away

"Do you know how many guys want me?" The cheerio yelled

"Well go date one of them." Quinn said not looking back

"Don't walk away from me Quinn." Stephanie said. Quinn kept walking. "I mean it Quinn, if you keep walking, then you can forget about getting with this." the cheerio gestures to herself. "I mean it, keep walking and you can say goodbye to getting with this hot cheerio." the cheerio tried again

"Deuces" Quinn held up the peace sign with her fingers as she continued to walk.

"Ugha!" The cheerio storms off.

Quinn of course ignored it, and made her way to Rachel.

"Rachel, can we talk?" Quinn asked when she close to Rachel.

Rachel and Brittany stopped talking and turned to her.

"There's nothing to talk about Quinn." Rachel said

"It's important"

Rachel sighed. "Quinn, I'm really not in the mood."

"Please?" Quinn begged

Rachel could hear the plea in the girl's voice, and unfortunate for Rachel, so could Brittany.

"Rach, you should talk to her" Brittany said. Rachel looked at Brittany with wide eyes. "She said it was important, so just talk to her."

Rachel looked at her best friend before looking at Quinn then back to her best friend.

"Fine. We can talk, but not here. Let's go some where else." Rachel said

"Thank you"

Rachel just looked at her before looking back at her friend. "I'll see you later, Britt."

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