Chapter 1

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"Yo Quinn, what's up"

"Hey what's up."

"Yo Q, up top" A jock holds his hand up.

"What's up, Man" Quinn high-fives the jock.

"Hey Quinn how's it going?" Another jock asks

"Same old, same old." Quinn replies

"Word, word I hear ya." the jock says before leaving

"Hey Quinn, we still on for Friday?" A red head Cheerio approaches

"You know it, Stacy" Quinn smirks

"It's Stephanie"

"Oh yeah. Right. I knew that."

This is Quinn Fabray.

Quinn was the most popular girl that walked the halls of William McKinley High School in Lima, Ohio. 5ft 6in, long flowing beautiful blonde hair, beautiful hazel eyes, filthy rich, and a straight A student. She was captain of McKinley High's basketball team, The Titans. She was the first sophomore to EVER become captain her first year on the team, and the FIRST and ONLY female in McKinley High's history to be on the basketball team. She was the perfect girl any parent would want their son or daughter with.

But Quinn Fabray wasn't your ordinary popular sophomore girl. Oh no, you see Quinn was different. Special. Quinn has a penis.

That's right. No you read correct. Female, Quinn Fabray was born with a fully functioning 8 inch penis. And everyone in town knew about it. It didn't stop Quinn though. Nah, If anything, it increased her popularity. Quinn Fabray was also one of the biggest players and flirts in McKinley High. She could have anybody she wanted. Guy or girl, but she preferred the more slimmer, softer and feminine type if you know what I mean.

Yep that's Quinn Fabray. Guys wanted to be her. Guys and girls wanted to be with her.

"Hey, Q." A beautiful Latina said behind her. Quinn turns to her.

"Hey Santana." Quinn replied with a sexy smirk.

Santana Lopez was head cheerleader or the McKinley High Cheerios. She was also Head Bitch In Charge, and second most popular girl in school. She was a sophomore, just like Quinn, and the biggest bitch in the school. She wasn't afraid to tell it like it was.

"Well don't you look delicious as ever." Santana said observing Quinn's outfit.

Quinn was wearing a pair of black skinny jeans with a little sag. Not enough to show off her ass, but enough where you can see the hem of her boxers. A black tank top with a yellow and black plaid button up shirt over it and a pair of yellow, a pair black Spartan Lite Dc shoes and a black beanie.

"I try." Quinn grins. She takes a second to ogle Santana. "You look pretty cute too in your Cheerios uniform."

"Pssh, please. Hot, Q. I look hot in my Cheerios uniform." Santana corrected

"Whatever you say." Quinn smirks. "So what's up?"

"Oh nothing much, just been thinking about you." Santana said rubbing her hand up and down on Quinn's arm. "I missed you."

Quinn looks at Santana before laughing. "Really S?"


"Wow. Um okay, first off, I just saw you late night. And second, why?" Quinn laughs

"Hey, I'm just trying to be the doting girlfriend." Santana says sarcastically. It was taking everything in both of them not to burst out laughing.

"Again, one, we're not dating. You and I both know that." Quinn says

"Well they don't." Santana points to the few people in the hallway.

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