Chapter 10

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It's been four days since Quinn last spoke to Rachel in the girl's restroom, and since that dayQuinn hasn't been able to kick the unsettling feeling in her gut. She mainly only got the feeling when Rachel was around. She just didn't get it. There also seemed to be something different about Rachel. Something more mature or something. She didn't know. She just couldn't put her finger on it.

She thought about it so much that she could hardly pay attention to anything anymore. She wasn't paying much attention in class or at basketball practice, which was very important because their first game was in a number of days and as captain and the only girl on the team, Quinn had something to prove.

Five girls, including the red head Stephanie, have been trying to get Quinn's attention endlessly, but Quinn was so focused on what might be wrong with Rachel, she hardly even noticed. This of course did not go unnoticed by Santana and Puck.

Quinn just couldn't shake this feeling. She's bumped into three people already cause she was so lost in the thought.

Later that week Quinn was hanging with Puck and Santana at her house. They just finish playing a game of horse outside on the basketball court in Quinn's backyard. And Quinn lost bad, which is something that has never happened before.

Now here they are lounging around in Quinn's living room watching T.V, but Quinn wasn't paying any attention to what was on the T.V. She had to many things on her mind, namely Rachel.

"Q? Yo Q, you in there?" Puck asked waving his hand in front of her face, trying to get her attention.

"Q! Hey Q!" Santana shouted before chugging a plastic cup at Quinn's head.

"Huh?" Quinn snaps out of whatever thought she was thinking.

"Dude, what's up with you?" Santana asks

"Yeah, you've been out of it. You like seem distracted or something." Puck said.

"You lost at horse, which never happens by the way. I mean when have you ever lost to Puckerman at anything?" Santana said

"Yeah" Puck said, then realizing what Santana said. "Hey!" Santana just shrugs her shoulders.

"Sorry. I guess I've just had a lot on my mind." Quinn said

"Like what?" Santana asks

"I...I really don't know." Quinn shook her head.

"Well that doesn't make since." Puck said

"You're telling me." Quinn sighs

"Well dude whatever it is, you need to figure it out. Our first game of the season is coming and we need our captain's head cleared and focused." Puck said.

"Yeah, we don't need our basketball team sucking ass like the football team did." Santana said

"Exactly" Puck said until. "Hey!"


"Again with insults." Puck huffed.

"You guys sucked. It's not my fault." Santana said "I mean how many games did you guys win this season?"

"4" Puck said smiled proud

"Out of?" Puck's smile fell

"10" he mumbles

"Exactly. Seriously how did some of guys even make the team?"

"Coach Tanaka thought they looked good, and showed good hustle or something." Puck explained

"Wow, well either those guys just suck or your coach sucks." Santana said

"Who knows. And Plus Finn can't catch a football to save his life. How he got quarterback I will never know." Puck said

"How did he even get on the team anyway?" Santana asks. Puck shrugs his shoulders.

"Well I hate to admit this, but even though Finn absolutely without a doubt sucks in football, he's a damn good basketball player. That's why I haven't kick him off the team. Cause god only knows how much I want to." Quinn exclaims. Puck nodded his head in agreement.

"Well whatever, forget Finnessence, you need to focus and get you head in the game." Puck told Quinn.

"Yeah, and you know it could be worse." Santana said

"How?" Quinn asked

"You could be like Puck here, who slept with some girl whose name he can't remember. And now said girl is stalking him, and hasn't left him alone since that night." Santana laughed.

"Seriously?" Quinn laughed along with Santana.

"What? Girls love the Puckster." Puck defended.

"Was she a virgin?" Quinn asked

"I don't know, maybe." Puck shrugged

"And was she a freshmen?"

"She said she was a sophomore."

"Aww, Pucky made a freshmen virgin fall in love with him. That's so cute" Quinn teased pinching Puck's cheek, and making Santana laugh even harder.

Puck swatted her hand away, "Shut up, I can't help it if the ladies find the Puckasaurus irresistible."

"Girls, not ladies, Puckermen." Quinn said

"That's what you get for messing around with virgin." Santana teased

"I didn't know she was a virgin!"

"Yeah, sure cause when you look at her with her long dress, knee high socks with horses on them, and pig tails, she totally screamed 'slut'." Santana said sarcastically and rolling her eyes.

"Whatever. Plus I was drunk so..." Puck said

"When aren't you drunk when you have sex?" Santana asks

"I wasn't with your mom last night." Puck jokes

Santana launched herself at Puck, tackling him to the ground. The two began play fighting, like they always do, on the floor, with Santana wining of course.

Quinn laughed as she watched her two best friends play fight in front of her. As she watched them, she thought back to what they were talking about. Leave it Puck to have sex with a freshmen virgin, and have her become obsessed with him, and then forget her name. He sure knew how to pick 'em. Typical Puck.

All of a sudden, Quinn thought about her night with Rachel. She hadn't thought about it since it happened. Granted they were both very drunk off their asses and couldn't really remember much, she still thought about it. Did Rachel like it? Did she feel good? Was she satisfied? Well that last question was probably already answered done to all the screaming Quinn vaguely remember of. Plus the scratches on her back that were just starting to heal.

Was Rachel alright with what happened? She knew that Rachel didn't take it so well the next morning, but was she okay with the night before? Quinn didn't like force herself on her did she? Quinn knew she would never do that to Rachel, but she still could help but ask that question.

As Quinn thought about that, one very important thing popped in Quinn's head. Did they use protection?

Quinn knew they were pretty freaking drunk, but did they?

The more Quinn thought about this, she started thinking about Rachel and how she's been acting the past two weeks. All of sudden a light bulb went off in Quinn's head.

"Oh no." Quinn said, jumping up off the couch and running to her room in high speed.

Santana and Puck stopped their fighting when they noticed the swift movement of Quinn moving from the couch to the stairs to her room.

"Yo Q, what's up?" Puck asked

"Yeah, what's the hurry?" Santana said

"Nothing important. I just remembered something I had to look up for homework!" Quinn shouts from the top steps.

Quinn ran into her room and hopped on her laptop. Quinn went to Google. She typed in her search and clicked the 'I'm feeling lucky' button.

Quinn read the information on the page. That's when the realization really hit Quinn.

"Oh no."

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