Chapter 18

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The big game day was here. The day of McKinley High's first basketball game this year. It was also the most anticipated game this year. Possibly even more than the first football game of the year. People just couldn't wait to see what Quinn Fabray, the lone female on a team of boys, had got.

Three hours before the game, Quinn was leaning against her locker with her hands in her letterman's jacket pockets lost in thought.

"Hey Q, big game tonight. You nervous?" Santana asked as she walked up to Quinn.

"What? Me nervous? Pssh n-no." Quinn stuttered coming out of her thoughts.

"Really? Then why are you sweating like Zizes chasing after a fried Snickers?" Santana teased.

"I'm not sweating that hard." Quinn pouts.

"Dude you're sweating bullets." Santana laughed

"Okay so maybe I'm a little nervous." Quinn said

"A little?"

"Okay maybe a lot." Quinn said "I mean can you blame me. It's the first game of the year. People are gonna see me play."

"Q, people saw you play at practice." Santana said

"Yeah, well practice is one thing, but this...this is... This is judgment day for me. This is where everyone is counting on me to win. This is where I show the boys that I'm not just some girl on the team. There's a lot riding on me right now."

"Whoa Q, I get it you're nervous. It's okay to be nervous on the first game. I mean you remember how I was on the first Cheerio's tournament last year, I get it. But don't worry. You're gonna kill it out there. You gots this." Santana said.

"Thanks S." Quinn said with a smile.

"No prob. Now where's Puckerman. I haven't seen him all day. And do you know why he asked to borrow one of my Cheerios uniforms? I would've thought it was strange but then again this is Puck we're talking about." Santana says

"Oh I know where he is." Quinn said with an evil smirk.

"Oh god what have you two gotten into to this time?" Santana asked

"Nothing, but let's just say Puck might learn his lesson on never to make a bet with me when it involves basketball." Quinn said. "Here he comes." Quinn pointed down the hall. There stood Puck.

"Oh. My. God." Santana said.

Puck walked up to his friends wearing the red and white McKinley High Cheerio's uniform with a pair of black Timberland boots and a not so happy look on his face.

"Don't. Say. Anything." Puck said

Quinn and Santana looked like they were about to burst.

"Okay Puck we won't say anything, but can I just say one thing?" Quinn asked.


"Hmm work it honey." Quinn said in the best gay guy voice she could make and snapping her fingers, making both her and Santana burst into laughter.

"Yea yea, yeah laugh it up." Puck said.

"Oh my god. Dude have you been dressed like this all day?" Santana asked still laughing.

"Yes." Puck huffed.

"Why have I not seen a sea of people fall out laughing?" Santana asked.

"You were probably standing at the other end of the hallway. Don't worry I'm sure we'll see pictures on Facebook later tonight." Quinn said once she got her laughter under control.

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